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According to legend the seventh Princess of Heaven fell in love with a poor herdsman.
She stole away to marry him and lived happily for a time as a weaver.
When her mothe
(02/14/2009 00:00:00) [查看全文]
Valentine's Day 情人节
Date 约会
Bunch 花束
Rose 玫瑰
Candy 糖果
Chocolate 巧克力
Forget-Me-Not 勿忘我
Puppy Love/First Love 初恋
Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅
Fall In Love 坠入爱河
Love At The First Sight 一见钟情
Propose 求婚
Valentine Cards 情人节卡片
Candlelight Dinner 烛光晚餐
(02/14/2009 00:00:00) [查看全文]
(07/19/2008 09:32:02) [查看全文]
前台小姐:"You have what thing?"(你有什么事?)
外国人:"Can you speak Eng-lish?"(你会讲英语吗)前台小姐:"If I not speak English, I am speaking what?"(如果我不会说,那我现在说的什么)
外国人:"Can anybody else speak English? "(还有谁能讲英语吗
(07/02/2008 14:18:35) [查看全文]
h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰
Hope our love lasts and never dies. 希望我们的爱永恒不变。
i.t.a.l.y. 意大利
I trust and love you. 我相信你和爱你。
l.i.b.y.a. 利比亚
Love is beautiful; you also. 爱是美丽的,你也是。
f.r.a.n.c.e. 法兰西
Friendships remain and never can end. 友谊永固。
c.h.i.n.a. 中国
Come here. i need affection. 来这,我需要爱。
(05/07/2008 13:47:44) [查看全文]
1.Have you heard the saying: what goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down?
2.My thunder comes before my lightning. My lightning comes before my rain. My rain dries up all the land it touches. What am I?
3.You can see it, but you can't touch it. It may disappear
(04/22/2008 14:26:13) [查看全文]
  Men marry younger women and women prefer to marry older men, in general. But is it culture, genetics or the environment that drives such a choice—and is there an optimal age difference? New research shows that, at least for the Sami people of preindustrial Finland, men should marry a
(12/14/2007 08:15:35) [查看全文]
  chase after 追求
  chase是追逐的意思,中国的女生都比较羞涩(现在也不一定了哦)所以男生一般比较主动,chase after the girls
  比较习惯生活化的说法是:pick up hot chicks,直译是找辣鸡,(当然是开玩笑的说法),
(11/26/2007 08:29:13) [查看全文]
Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?
A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys.
Q: How can you most irritate a farmer?
A: By treading on his corn.
(11/20/2007 20:18:18) [查看全文]
在消费需求日益细分的今天,针对手机用户,不使时机地推出了新颖独特的Color ring back tone service(个性化回铃音服务)业务。
  几年的功夫里,“彩铃”TM(联通叫“炫铃”)风靡全国,并且已经成为青年人的新时尚(a new fad),当别人给你打电话时人们听到的不再是单调的嘟嘟声,而是充满个性化的音乐,歌曲,甚至搞笑对白,令生活平添了一份乐趣。这不,连生活在中国的老外都已经感兴趣了,面对这种新生事物,你知道该如何用英语向他们解释吗?
Color Ring Back Tone
A personalized mobile music service where the caller hears songs and
(11/15/2007 09:06:13) [查看全文]
个人才能 Personal Qualities
  Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。
  Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。
  Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。
(11/13/2007 08:11:41) [查看全文]
1. honorificabilitudinitatibus
这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」love’s labou r’s lost里,意思是「不胜光荣」。
(10/30/2007 06:16:06) [查看全文]
1.Life is not fair, get used to it.
2.The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
3.You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be
(10/27/2007 09:18:20) [查看全文]
when pigs fly
说某事不可能实现,汉语中有很多形象的说法,比如:天方夜谭、白日做梦、太阳从西边出来、异想天开、痴心妄想、天上掉馅饼、猴年马月……而英语中也有一个形象搞笑的说法,就三个词:“when pigs fly”(当猪可以飞的时候)。
--Do you think your brother will be successful?(你觉得你弟弟会成功吗?)
--When pigs fly he will.(猴年马月吧。)
(10/16/2007 13:08:45) [查看全文]
No Need to Quack About That!
(Originally in English)
There was a herd of cows in the field, and two of the
cows were talking together. Cow A said to Cow B,
"Wow, it really makes me worry, all this mad cow
disease news going on. I don't know if we are safe,
if it's already here and if we're OK or not.
Do you know of any si
(08/29/2007 13:52:38) [查看全文]
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