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genetics 遗传学 例句: William Bateson coined the word genetics and several other useful terms. William Bateson 创立了“遗传学”这个名词和其他一些有用的术语。 to no purpose 无结果;无效 例句: He tried to find out the cause, but all to no purpose. 他试图找出原因,但是全无结果。 It's a once in a life (07/24/2006 08:37:53) [查看全文] transmit 遗传;传播 例句: Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children. 父母把一些特殊气质遗传给儿女。 on purpose 为了 例句: She said such things on purpose that I might leave her. 她说了这些话,为的是让我离开她。 You should take advantage of it. 你该好好利用这个机会。 对话: (07/24/2006 08:37:49) [查看全文] transplant 移植 例句: It is now possible to transplant organs from animals into people. 现在将动物身上的器官移植入人体内已经成为了可能。 paddle one's own canoe 自力更生;自食其力 例句: He's eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe. 他已经十八岁了,所以我相信他完全可以自食其力了。 It's up to date. 这很时兴。 (07/24/2006 08:37:44) [查看全文] diagnosis 诊断 例句: Joan's fever led to a diagnosis of pneumonia. 对琼发烧的诊断是她得了肺炎。 in bulk 成批的,大量地 例句: You should think twice before you decide to buy them in bulk. 在你决定成批购买这些货物之前,你应该三思而行。 Take your time. 慢慢来。 对话: A: What can I do for you, (07/24/2006 08:37:42) [查看全文] scar 疤痕 例句: He bared his left knee to display surgical scars from football injuries. 他露出左膝,可看到他在足球运动中受伤的疤痕。 brush up 复习;温习 例句: Before the exam, I must brush up on my Franch Grammer. 考试前我必须复习一下法语语法。 I'll think it over. 我要仔细考虑一下。 对话 (07/24/2006 08:37:40) [查看全文] disease 疾病 例句: According to a report by the Health Education Authority, 12 people die every hour from smoking-related diseases. 据健康教育权威机构的报告,每小时约有12个人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 brim over 充满,洋溢 例句: Throughout the festival, people everywhere brimmed with hospitality and joy. 在整个节日过程中,各处的人们都洋溢着热情并充满了喜 (07/24/2006 08:37:39) [查看全文] sufferer 患者 例句: He is a chronic sufferer from hay fever and detest gardens. 他是一位慢性干草热和厌花症患者。 blue in the face 面红耳赤 例句: He argued with the boss until he was blue in the face. 他和老板争得面红耳赤。 Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我吸烟吗? 对话: A: Excuse me, ma'ma. Do you m (07/24/2006 08:37:38) [查看全文] healthcare 保健 例句: The combination of ageing populations and improving technology is forcing governments around the world to review their healthcare arrangements. 人口老龄化和不断提高的技术手段使世界各国政府重新审定他们的保健计划。 for a song 极为廉价 例句: He bought the house for a song and sold it a few years lat (07/24/2006 08:37:35) [查看全文] medical (n.) 体格检查 例句: She has to have a medical before going abroad. 出国前她必须进行体格检查。 foam at the mouth 暴怒;愤怒 例句: John was foaming at the mouth. I've never seen anyone so angry. 约翰怒气冲天,我还从没有看见过有人生那么大的气呢。 May I have a receipt? 我可以要一张收据吗? 对话: A: Ho (07/24/2006 08:37:32) [查看全文] suffer 受损害,受到不良影响 例句: Your studies will suffer if you play too much football. 如果你总是踢足球,你的学业就会受到影响。 under the cover of... 在……的掩护下;以……为借口 例句: The troop withdrew safely under the cover of darkness. 军队在夜幕的掩护下安全撤离了。 I'll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。 对话: A: Do (07/24/2006 08:37:31) [查看全文] hard disk 硬盘 例句: One of the side-effects of using your PC regularly is: the more you work, the more the storage on your hard disk gets distributed across the surface. 经常使用你的个人计算机会带来另一个副作用,那就是,你做的工作越多,所占用的硬盘空间就越多。 sweat out 焦急等待 例句: Frank was sweating out the results of his entran (07/24/2006 08:37:30) [查看全文] floppy disk 软盘 例句: Floppy disks have always been cheap to make and relatively easy to copy. 软盘制作成本比较低,而且拷贝起来也相对容易些。 swim against the current (stream) 逆潮流行事;背道而驰 例句: The boy who tries to succeed today without an education is swimming against the stream. 现在,没有受过教育的青年想要获得成功,其难度就好比逆水 (07/24/2006 08:37:28) [查看全文] dumb terminal 哑终端 例句: In the days of mainframe computers, networks were simply the wires that connected the dumb terminals to the big box in the basement. 在大型计算机时代,网络不过是把哑终端连到地下室里的大盒子上的电线而已。 come out of one's shell 不再害羞 例句: We finally got Frank to come out of his shell a (07/24/2006 08:37:27) [查看全文] surf the Internet / Net 网上冲浪 例句: Some analysts argue that those who spend all day surfing the Internet should pay more than those who just send the occasional e-mail message. 一些分析家指出那些整天在网上冲浪的人的花费要比那些只是偶尔发发电子邮件的人多的多。 heart stands still 提心吊胆;非常害怕 例句: Jack's heart stood still when he s (07/24/2006 08:37:25) [查看全文] cyberspace 电脑空间 例句: The thing about cyberspace is that everything is the same distance away, no further than your computer screen. 在电脑空间里,所有东西离你都是一样的距离,不会比到你的计算机屏幕的距离更远的。 come in handy 有用得着的时候 例句: Don't throw those old textbooks away; they may come in handy some day. 别把那些旧书 (07/24/2006 08:37:24) [查看全文] |