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PART ONE Questions 1-7 . Read these sentences and the share prices below. . Which stock market does each sentence(1-7) describe? . For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Example: The index went up more than one thousand. Answer:A 1. The sha (08/06/2006 00:12:43) [查看全文] 一. READING
PART ONE Questions 1-7 . Read these sentences and the following new reports. . Which country does each sentence describe? . For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Example: The head of state went to China to treat his disease. Answer: B 1. The gover (08/06/2006 00:12:40) [查看全文] 一.READING
PART ONE Questions 1-7 . Read these sentences and the instructions that follow. . Which method does each sentence describe? . For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your answer Sheet. Example You can dictate a message almost anywhere at your convenience. Answer: B (08/06/2006 00:12:32) [查看全文] 一.READING
PART ONE Questions 1-7 . Read these sentences and the following business index. . Which advisor each sentense (1-7) describe? . For each sentence mark one letter (A , B ,C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet. Example The company invests a large sum of money in high technology. Answer: (08/06/2006 00:12:30) [查看全文] 一.READING
PART ONE Questions 1-7 . Read these sentences and the three company plans below. . Which company does each sentence describe? . For each sentence mark one letter(A ,B or C)on your Answer Sheet. Example To combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of (08/06/2006 00:12:27) [查看全文] BEC Sample Interview Stage One Interlocutor Good morning. My name is John Smith, and this is my colleague, Mary Clinton. And your names are Li Hua and Wang Wei? Li: Yeah Wang: Yeah Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, first of all, we'd like to know something about each of you. Mr. Li, can you tell me about yourself? Li: M (08/06/2006 00:12:22) [查看全文] |