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[日期:2006-06-09]   [字体: ]

Ms. Diane Sweet
ArbiTech Systems, Inc. RE: 5/15/9X City Times
1444 Soneigh Way ad for Word Processors
Damon, PA 09876

Dear Ms. Sweet:

While it may seem odd for a Philosophy professor to be responding to your ad for Word Processors, today's economy has rendered many of yesterday's tenets entirely revocable.

I am highly skilled in WordPerfect for Windows, as your ad requested. Six years of intense analysis and serious writing account for my indisputable command of this invaluable computer program.

In addition, I offer your firm the maturity to deal effectively with clients, executives, and co-workers, particularly those under pressure. My written and verbal communication skills are advanced, which may prove extremely useful to your staff in the preparation of customer materials, reports, and presentations.

Let me assure you that I do not consider this position a stop-gap by any means. After working in academia for nearly 17 years, the opportunity to join a fast paced leader in the business world is a stimulating one.

I hope you will contact me so that we might meet.


Christopher J. Rinaldi
(555) 456-7890 home

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