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[日期:2006-06-09]   [字体: ]

ali: acer lab(宏棋实验室)
asf: applied science fiction
amd: advanced micro device(超微半导体)
ami: american megatrends incorporated
ear(extreme audio reality)
hp: hewlett-packard,美国惠普公司

ibm: international business machine,国际商业机器
idg(international data group,国际数据集团)
ims: international meta system
mle:microsoft learning and entertainment,微软教学与娱乐公司
nai: network associates incorporation,前身为mcafee。
ns(national semiconductor,国家半导体)
pmi: pacific magtron international
sce(sony computer entertainment,索尼计算机娱乐部)
sgi:silicon graphics
sis: silicon integrated systems,硅片综合系统公司
umc(united microelectronics corporation,台湾联华电子公司,半导体制造商)
wd(western digital,西部数据)

cbf: cable broadband forum,电缆宽带论坛
cema(consumer electronics manufacturing association(消费者电子制造业协会)
cpe: customer premise equipment(用户预定设备)
csa: canadian standards association(加拿大标准协会)
dca: defense communication agency,国防部通信局
doj: department of justice(反不正当竞争部门)
dsp: delivery service partner(交付服务合伙人)
dvb:digital video broadcasting,数字视频广播
e3:electronic entertainment expo,电子娱乐展览会
eff: electronic frontier foundation(电子前线基金会)
epa(environmental protection agency,美国环境保护局)
fcc: federal communications commission(联邦通信委员会)
ftc: federal trade commission,联邦商业委员会
gdc(game developer conference,游戏发展商会议)
isscc(international solid-state circuits conference,国际晶体管电路讨论会)
icsa: international computer security association(国际计算机安全协会),它的前身为ncsa(national computer security association,国家计算机安全协会)
ieee(institute of electrical and electronics engineers,电子电路工程师协会)
ifwp: international forum white paper,国际白皮书论坛
iso/mpeg: international standard organization's moving picture expert group(国际标准化组织的活动图片专家组)
itaa: information technology association of american,美国信息技术协会
mac(mobile advisory council)
mcsp: microsoft certified solution providers,微软认证解决方案供应商
mjpeg(motion joint photographic experts group,移动式连续图像专家组)
mma: midi manufacturer association(midi制造商联盟)
ncta: national cable television association,美国电缆电视协会
nia: networking interoperatility alliance(网络互操作联盟)
nbitd(national board for industrual and technical development,瑞典国立工业和技术发展委员会制订)
oaaf:open arcade architecture forum,开放式arcade体系论坛
oem(original equipment manufacturer,原始设备制造商)
oif: optical internetworking forum,光纤互连网络论坛
riaa(recording industry association of america,美国唱片工业协会)
rio: redistributed internet object(因特网分配组织)
sia(the semiconductor industries association,半导体工业协会)
spa: software publishers association,软件出版商协会
tsowu(the swedish office worker's union,瑞典办公人员联合会,以制订tco标准著称)
uawg: universal adsl working group(通用adsl工作组)
ucaid:university corporation for advanced internet development
ul: underwriters laboratories inc.(新产品承诺实验室)
var: value added resellers(增值分销商)
w3c(world wide web consortium,万维网协会)
whql(microsoft windows hardware quality lab,微软公司视窗硬件质量实验室)
winhec: windows hardware engineering conference,视窗硬件工程会议
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