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大学英语作文:No Sweet without Sweat

[日期:2006-06-12]   [字体: ]

No Sweet without Sweat
      "No sweet without sweat" is an old saying which was coneluded by ancient people from their daily experiences.

In ancient times, some peasants transplanted rice seedlings,gathered in wheat and spread manure in the shining sun, in the pouring rain and in the fierce wind.  Sweat wet through their clothes and dropped from their forehead.  They stepped out of their home to the field carrying on a hoe on their shoulders with the moon overhead giving off dim light and went home with their exhausted bodies when the sun set day by day. When autumn,the harvest season came, smiles appeared on their black and wrinkly faces which were caused by the strong sunshine and hard work while gazing at the large fields of ripe crops swaying in the breeze. How fine! In contrast, other peasants who lay in their houses with comfort escaping the poor weather conditions outside only to find nothing in their storehouses while those hard working peasants' storehouses were filled with golden wheat and other grain. Then, they learned the meaning of the saying "No sweet without sweat". It may be the origin of the proverb.
      But the proverb is also true in modern times. With the rolling wheel of the history it has been proved that the saying can also be applied to many aspects of social matters in any times of the history. Without constant practice, how can one become a planist and win the respect and praise from all over the world? Without hard training, how can an athlete win the gold medal in the international games where cruel competitions exit all the time?Without sweat paid off, how can you climb up the top of the mountain and look over the boundless beautiful scene?
      Have you learned the saying by Edison that 1% genius plus 99% hard work make success? Maybe you are born with genius just like Mozart, but without sweat you also can not get sweet.It is undoubted that Mozart had the amazing genius of composing. As a matter of fact, what were really handed down were not what he wrote by means of his genius but by his huge amount of effort. When you listen to his GREat art works, you will be deeply moved. It's best to have genius at birth while it's worst to rely on it entirely and pay no effort.
     Even if you are considered less intelligent than others, you can obtain sweet through sweat as well. Take Edison as an example. Once he was considered little mind and had little education but at last he became the inventor of the lamp which GREatly improved civilization of human beings.  He had to do several thousand of experiments in order to find out a suitable metal which was resistant to high temperatures and oxidation for the sake of making a lamp which could be long used. He succeeded with his large amount of sweat. If he had given up half way and if he had grudged his sweat, he would only have been a mediocre person.
     In a success, genius can' t replace sweat. Sweet mostly comes from sweat rather than genius. The saying "No sweat no sweet" will be the permanent golden proverb of human beings.

简  评
    本文题目为“没有汗水就没有甜美”(No sweet without sweat)。这是一个古谚,简洁易懂。作者围绕此主题,从古今中外各方面进行了分析。首先,他描述了古代农民耕种的两种结果:辛勤耕耘、挥汗如雨则仓康充实;不舍得流汗、不愿劳动则颗粒无收。描写生动,让人体会深刻。作者认为这同样适用于现代。钢琴家、运动员、登山者要成功必须付出汗水。作者还举了两个不同的成功事例:爱迪生、莫扎特。他们虽一个天资聪颖,一个生来鲁钝,但功事例:爱迪生、莫扎特。他们虽一个天资聪颖,一个生来鲁钝,但其成功都基于共同的原因:后天的勤奋。这验证了爱迪生的名言:成功是99%的汗水加l%的天才。作者用一句话对此做了精辟的总结:生具天分当然最好,但最糟的是:完全依赖天分而不付出劳动。通过以上有理有据的分析,作者成功地总结出:成功的甜美主要来自于辛勤的汗水,而非天分。

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