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[日期:2006-06-16]   [字体: ]

A.blankets B.blind C.black D.blanks

17.Smoking and drinking are regarded as _______ in some countries because they do no good to health.

A.vices B.habits C.customs D.copies

18.The news has not yet been officially _______ by the government.

A.struck B.confirmed C.founded D.pointed

19.These are two _______ issures, but people often take them as one.

A.ruin B.nest C.distinct D.castle

20.What _______ did you watch on television last night?

A.wave B.frequency C.channel D.tunnel

21.The Bushmen are _______ hunters even though their weapons are primitive.

A.favourite B.original C.sufficient D.expert

22.Before he left the White House, the president made a _______ speech.

A.quaarel B.symbol C.automobile D.farewell

23.The local government has begun a _______ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.

A.protest B.punishment C.protection D.project

24.It is highly _______ that he come here tomorrow to join us.

A.desirable B.doubtful C.good D.wanted

25.A new idea began to _______ from his mind when he was on his way back home.

A.emerge B.output C.starve D.tend

26.If you just stay in this city for few days, we can give you a _______ library card and you can still make use of the books in the city library.

A.terminal B.temporary C.regular D.chamber

27.When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the _______ from the shop.

A.render B.trust C.receipt D.tale

28.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _______ higher education but do not have enough time to go to university.

A. insure B.purse C.purchase D.pursue

29.In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _______ books from the school library.

A. implication B.reference C.sample D.saucer

30.When he opened the door, he used too much force and _______ the key.

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