写作部分时间为 30 分种,其内容是 ,就给定的题目 中的两种观点选择一个,并加以 阐述。
写作部分不计人总分, 只作为参考。 写作时应注意以下问题:
(]) 选择一种观点 。 在两种观点 中选定一种, 围绕这种观点展开论述。
(2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由 ,也要陈述反对另一种观点的理由 。 在两方面的对比申说明该选择的观点正确。
(3) 文章应包括五个段落。第一段说明两者之中选择其一, 中间三段阐述选择的理由 ,最后一段作出结论。
(4) 写作应 自 然流畅 ,观点要明确 ,不要使用简写或缩写词。
1. Read the following descriptions of Midtown High School and John Jay High school; two
schools in which Olivia, who moved during the summer and is entering her junior year, is consid-
ering enrolling. Then, in the space provided, write an argument for the choice you think Olivia
should make. The following considerations should guide your thinking;
(1) Olivia wants a curriculum that will prepare her for college.
(2) Olivia wants to participate in extracurricular activity, particularly gymnastics.
(3) Olivia is worried that she will not make friends quickly.
Midtown High School has a student body of 10,000, and average class size is 35 to 37. Be-
cause it is a large school, Midtown offers a wide variety of courses, including vocational training
and advanced courses in chemistry, physics and math. Each year students from Midtown capture
several of the state’s top academic awards. Midtown offers a wide range of extracurricular activi-
ties, and its gymnastics team placed third in state competition last year.
John Jay High School has a student body of 2,000, and average class size is 15 to 17. The
school was established to offer academically challenging courses for talented students. In the se-
nior year, a student is allowed to register for courses at the community coliege across the street
from John Jay. Because the primary focus of the school is on academics, its few clubs are orient-
ed toward areas of academic interest; for example, the school has a Science Club, a Math Club