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When Will It Stop

[日期:2006-06-30]   [字体: ]
After The World Trade Center were destroyed by terrorist attack on September 11th ,2001, the USA began to object to the terrorist activities. In the past three years, the USA and Afghanistan and Iraq have broken out two wars. And the one with Iraq was even more ruinous. It appears to us that what the USA have done is just for human’s peace. But in actual fact, it just asks for it’s own benefit under the words that they were against the terrorist activities. And I think the USA and England have a war with Iraq just on the purpose that they demand more oil. As a result, Japan also send it’s army to Iraq now, for the same reason. But they only said that they are against the terrorist activities. The more they are against it, the more terrorist activities the world suffers. They are destroying the world’s peace. Therefore, when should the action against terrorist activities stop? I’m looking forward to this day, which is wished to come as early as possible.

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