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科技英语短文:沉湎因特网 4

[日期:2006-07-18]   [字体: ]

[16] "I learned from my experience with romance on the Net that people aren't always what they seem. The guy I met, for example, was very nice but also quite mixed up. The trouble is you get lonely housewives talking to someone and they think, 'This guy sounds nice compared to what I've got.'"

[17] But I don't think anyone who is married or in a sound relationship should really be spending hours talking to someone else and ignoring their nearest and dearest. While Parker provided her own therapy by putting her experiences down on paper, she recommends others take up the online counselling offer, or log off from the Worldwide Web gradually.

[18] "It's like smoking. It's not a good idea to suddenly go cold turkey. People often e-mail me about the problem and I tell them to gradually wean themselves off and not to switch to a scheme where you pay per hour for online time. If they break their resolution, all they end up with then is the same old problem plus money difficulties for the long hours they have spent logged in to the Internet."

[19] Computer whizz Steve Phillips grins at the mention of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD)--he's been there, done that. Now 28, and a seven-year veteran on the Internet, he spends a mere 10 to 15 hours ' for entertainment" on the Web each week, A few years ago, when he was in the grip of his addiction, that was the amount of time--10 to 15 hours--he spent online each day.

[20] "I'd go to polytechnic and log on at 9 a.m. and sometimes I'd stay online until 9 at night. Then I'd go home and plug in the laptop and stay online until 4 or 5 a.m.," says the Internet systems maintenance ex-pert.






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