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[日期:2006-08-25]   [字体: ]
      (B= Mr. Brown W= Wang Xiaowei)

  B: Why do you want to be a tourist guide?

  W: I have been interested in Chinese and world geography ever since I was child. I also like foreign cultures very much. That''s why I chose English literature as my major when I entered the university.

  B: I think you like travel, too.

  W: Oh, yes, very much. I''m quite outgoing and like meeting people. During my trips, I often work as a volunteer guide to help those foreign tourist enjoy their trips better. I feel very proud when I introduce our long and rich culture to foreign tourists. Of course, it''s a chance for me to practise my English. So I do have a little experience as a guide.

  B: But you know to be a guide is a tough job.

  W: Certainly, it is very demanding. But I don''t mind. After all it is a job I like to do.

  B: Besides English, what other languages can you speak?

  W: A little Japanese and German. I can speak Cantonese, too, for I was born and brought up in Guangzhou.

  B: It''s very impressive. Mr. Wang, if you are hired, you''ll be expected to receive some training in tourism business.

  W: That''s fine.

  B: Would you please fill out this application form and give it to the secretary?We''ll inform you very soon.

  W: Thank you, Mr. Brown, for your time and patience. Good-bye.

  B: Good luck. Bye.


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