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原版新闻-Early trial for SARS vaccine OK

[日期:2006-09-14]   [字体: ]
        The Chinese government announced yesterday that the initial round of clinical tests show the world''s first vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome to be safe and effective.

  Wang Xiaofang, a senior official with the Ministry of Science and Technology, told a news briefing in Beijing that none of the 36 volunteers injected with the vaccine 56 days ago suffered any adverse reactions.

  Wang also said antibodies were found in 24 of the volunteers.

  The program to develop a SARS vaccine is a joint effort involving the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health and the State Food and Drug Administration.

  Yin Weidong, director of the research program, said the prime goal of the phase-one clinical tests was to verify the safety of the vaccine.

  He said his research team had already set technical standards for manufacturing the vaccine.

  Lin Jiangtao, a professor at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital who coordinated the effort, said the trial involved 18 healthy men and 18 women, age 21 to 40.

  The first four volunteers were given the vaccine on May 22. On September 29, medical observation of all 36 test subjects was completed.

  The Chinese government began research into a SARS vaccine last year. More than 100 scientists and researchers are taking part in the program.

  The clinical tests on humans were carried out after successful animal trials. Experts estimated that the drug will not be ready for commercial use until the completion of two additional rounds of human tests.



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