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音乐娱乐-MTV Turns 20

[日期:2006-09-16]   [字体: ]
      Never before had there been an around-the-clock TV show about music. With

24 hours to fill, MTV showed virtually any video they got. The first MTV
video to hit the airwaves came from an obscure British band. That first
song, ironically titled Video Killed the Radio Star, was followed by Pat
Benatar''s You Better Run and Rod Stewart''s She Won''t Dance.

Syracuse University Professor Robert Thompson remembers MTV''s debut vividly.
He started teaching the same month it went on the air.

"MTV really forced you to get cable because what it provided could be gotten
nowhere else," Thompson said.

I Want my MTV!

Thompson, who watches and analyzes TV for a living, said MTV took a specific
group of people and gave them an identity.

"It''s interesting how no other entity in television, no network, no cable
service has ever had a generation named after it. You don''t hear about
the Food Channel generation or the Golf Channel generation."

When MTV came along it really changed the industry. Suddenly music couldn''t
just sound good; it had to look good too.

Alan Light, the editor in chief of Spin magazine, said established artists
and newcomers were suddenly able to have the biggest hits of their careers
if they had the right video.

"There were these superstars like Michael Jackson and Madonna, who reached
unprecedented, unparalleled heights," Light said. "What MTV did was for
the first time give one big central outlet for music, and so rather than
having to go radio station to radio station, there was one big hit that
became the primary outlet for new music and new bands."

Feeding Pop Culture

MTV''s timing was perfect because pop culture was ready for it. At that
time punk rock was dying, disco was gasping its last breath and John Lennon
had been shot by an assassin''s bullet.

"MTV did to cable what Milton Berle did to regular broadcast television,"
Thompson said. "It started the explosion. It lit the fuse."

It could be argued that this new channel on our TV dial changed the pace
of our lives, while transforming our attention spans.

MTV gave advertisers new ideas about editing and movie directors a new
vocabulary. And its impact on network TV may be stronger now than ever
before. Would there be a Survivor if there were no Real World?

At first MTV''s five original VJs were broadcasting to an audience of only
one million. A year later, eight million more wanted their MTV and signed

For a monthly cable fee they got pop culture revolution blamed for polluting
young minds with decadent words and images.

Thompson says MTV was waiting for its success waiting on Seasame Street.

"MTV essentially in 1981 was waiting with open arms for all those kids
who had learned to count and who had learned their alphabet on these spectacular
hallucinogenic imagery of Sesame Street," Thompson said. "MTV was ready
to embrace them into early adulthood."

As MTV''s audience GREw, so did the budgets. Early videos could cost as
little as a few thousand dollars to produce. By 1989 Madonna was the first
person to spend one million dollars to express herself in a music video.
But that was just the tip of the iceberg. A few years later Michael and
Janet Jackson''s Scream video rolled out with a price tag of more than seven
million dollars.

Meanwhile, the fervor of youth had brought the power of change. MTV had
a social agenda and they were not afraid to use it. In the third season
of the Real World (we''re now on season 10), one of the housemates in the
San Francisco dwelling had AIDS.

MTV put together its own news broadcast and politicians courted MTV voters.

Where’s the Music?

Today, MTV is seen in 350 million homes and in 70 percent of the world.
It generates reported annual revenues of $3 billion. The music is still
there, but not enough, say the channel''s critics.

Today "Music TV" is a brand name. It produces theatrical movies, game shows,
and an awards show where anything goes.

So now that MTV is out of its teen years, how will it stay young and hip?
It''s likely to continue switching to younger VJs and always programming
to a younger audience.

But what about the MTV generation? Will they stay loyal to the channel
that brought them so many hours of sinful joy?

More importantly for MTV, how will their offspring react to the channel
their mom and dad GREw up watching?

Thompson said MTV has an enormous challenge ahead of it in the next 20
years — creating a second MTV generation.


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