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[日期:2006-11-14]   [字体: ]

编辑语:本文讲述的是一只名叫Groucho的小兔子,因为从小和花猫长大,所以他一直认为自己也是一直猫。在一个冬日,Groucho向花猫讲出了自己的困惑,“为什么我和你长得不一样呢?”结果会怎样呢? 让我们来看看吧!



Groucho was a young bunny boy.Who loved to run and jump for joy! He GREw up with a calico kitty. Who was as wise as she was pretty. One winter day she meowed for him. He ran and put his head under her chin."Groucho, I adopted you like my own kitten.Back then you could fit snug in a kitten!" "You were a jumping white ball of fur. Grinding your teeth in a bunny purr.I knew then you were a rabbit or hare. A hip hop bunny skipping on air!" You have fine ears so long and flat; My ears are short made just for a cat.I meow when I have something to say; Rabbits thump once and then hop away! Your teeth are flat on the bottom; Mine are sharp for mice when I’ve caught them!

Carrots and radishes are your special dish;My favorite treats all taste like fish.My cat tail is long and fluffy.I see in the dark with my  kitty cat eyes.Rabbits can see birds up in the kies.  Bunnies can jump and turn on a dime.Cats fall and land on their feet every time.When people leep we both want to play,Then we curl up to nap all day.We both hear noises out in the hall;We never come when people call. Both of our coats have a shiny sheen.We spend hours each day keeping them clean.Groucho twitched his nose out of habit "Are you sure I am a rabbit?Can I be both a cat and rabbit?Miss Luca, could I be a CABBIT?"   Luca licked Groucho’s little flat head."I love my happy rabbit," she said.Then she grinned like a Cheshire cat."You are perfect Groucho and that is that!"

   ~ The Happy Ending ~



calico 印花布。这里指花猫
adopt 收养
snug 暖和的 grind 磨牙
bunny 小兔子 thump 砰然地响
hop 跳跃 kies 黄铁矿,指在洞穴中
sheen 光辉 twitch 一抽,抽动

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