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金曲:Blue Ghost 蓝色生死恋英文版主题曲

[日期:2006-11-30]   [字体: ]


When she walks alone along the big golden beach

in her mind she’s got a song

could it be unreal at all

when you are together truth and love are more true

could it be unreal that all

seems a rainbow seems a bird

can’t take away the need of you

nothing else can touch her in deep

try to hold her in your arms of love

it is just a way to help her show her joy


angel’s gonna prove her love to you

like never done before

you are the sun, you are the air

and water high up in her soul

every time she’s moving to the place

she doesn’t know the name

she needs to know that you will stay beside her

never let her go on her own

the moon helps the lovers give the love there’s inside

they can feel like on star

see the rainbow when there’s not

they can’t stop to give their love

they can’t stop the tears

could it be unreal that all

seems a rainbow, seems a bird

can’t take away the need of you

nothing else can touch her in deep

try to hold her in your arms of love

it is just a way to help her show her joy

angel’s strong enough you see so

show the strength you got in yourself

love is strong and clear

no one else has ever been out in its own

never let her go la la li li la...

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