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6. 长途电话

[日期:2007-01-18]   [字体: ]

Key Sentences(重点句子)


94.Hello.Overseas operator.


95.I'd like to make a collect call to Japan.


96.Country code 81,area code 138,and the number is 864-8972.


97.Mom.It's Helen.How's everything going?


98.You can call direct if you like.


99.Could you please tell me the international prefix and the coun-try code for Australia?


100.…and then dial the city code and the number.


101.Start with the international code which is 00.


102.What time do the special rates apply?


103.I wonder if I can charge this call to my hotel room.


104.I'll tell the front desk clerk the charge afterwards.


105.I'd like to place an overseas call to London.


106.Can I dial direct?


107.How about the charges?


108.The charges vary according to the types of call you make.


109.The cheapest is a station-to-station call,then a person-to-person call.


110.The mini charge will apply for the first three minutes, then each additional minute will be charged.


111.Could you put through a collect call for me?


112.And what's the number you are calling?


113.And your name and number?


114.Hang up and I'll call you back In a few minutes.


115.You have a collect call for a Mr. Ron Smith in Chicago.


116.Will you accept the charges?


117.I have your call on the line. GO ahead, please.



Dialogue A


(A:Operator B:Helen Kent C:Edna)

A:Hello.Overseas operator. May I help you?

B:Yes. I'd like to make a collect call to Japan.

A:Your name, please?

B:It's Helen Kent.

A:Who would you like to talk to?

B:I'd like to talk to Mr. Edna Kent.

A:Is that Mr. Edna Kent?

B:That's right.

A:What number are you calling from, please?

B:From code 513, 432-6748

A:And the number in Japan, please?

B:Country code 81, area code 138, and the number is 846-8972.

A:Hold the line, please. I'll put your call through.

C:Hello. This is Edna.

B:Mom. It's Helen. How's everything going?

C:Fine. How are you?

B:Very good indeed.

C:How's the weather there?

B:It's sunny and bright. Dole and I just came back from the sight-seeing. We spent two days on the beach. Then we went downtown, doing some shopping and visiting the museums and places like that, and things we haven't see there.

C:Oh, GREat!

B:We had a very very good time… Mom, is Dad in?

C:No, he went out to the club and won't be back until late afternoon… What time are you going to come back?

B:Probably early next week. But I'm not sure.

C:Ok, take care of yourself.

B:Well, Mom, say Hi to every body. Say love to Daddy. Bye.

C:Have a nice stay, bye.


Dialongue B


(A:Operator B:Mr. Ma)


B:Hello. I'd like to make a call to Australia.

A:You can call direct if you like.

B:Oh, can I?

A:Yes, please.

B:Could you please tell me the international prefix and the country code for Australia?

A:Yes, The code for Australia is 61 and then dial the city code and the number. Start with the international code which is 00.

B:What time do the special rates apply?

A:Between six in the evening and eight in the morning,sir.

B:I wonder if I can charge this call to my hotel room.

A:Certainly.Tell me the room number and your name,please?

B:This is Mr.Ma in room 215.

A:OK,Mr.Ma.I'll tell the front desk clerk the charge after-wards.

B:Thanks very much for your help.

A:You're welcome.Bye.



Dialogue C


(A:Operator B:Ron Smith C:Marilyn Peters)

A:Long Distance.May I help you?

B:Yes.I'd like to place an overseas call to London.Can I dial di-rect?

A:No,sir.I'm afraid not.

B:Oh,I see.How about the charges?

A:The charges vary according to the types of call you make.Thecheapest is a station-to-station call,then a person-to-personcall.The mini charge will apply for the first three minutes,theneach additional minute will be charged.

B:Oh,let me think of it…Could you put through a collect call forme?

A:Certainly.Who are you calling?

B:It's a Mrs.Peters.Marilgyn Peters.

A:And what's the number you are calling?

B:It's London,9981-6432.

A:And your name and number?

B:My name's Ron Smith and the phone number is 356-2210.

A:Hang up and I'll call you back in a few minutes.(Pause).

Hello.This is the operator.You have a collect call from a Mr.Ron Smith in Chicago.Will you accept the charges?

C:Yes,I will.


B:Yes,it is.

A:I have your call on the line.Go ahead,please.

B:Thank you very much.


Words and Expressions


oversea(s)     a.海外的;往海外的

operator     n.操作者;工作者;接线员

collect call 对方付费电话

area     n.面积;地区;区域

code     n.法典;法规;规章;代码

sight-seeing 观光,游览

beach     n.海滨;湖滨;海滩

downtown     ad.在商业区;向商业区;在市区;

museum     n.博物馆;(美)展览馆

Australia    n.澳大利亚;澳洲

direct     a.径直的;直线的;直接的

international     a.国际的

prefix     n.字首,前缀

dial     n.1.[钟表的]面;标度盘


rate/reit/ v.拨电话


apply     vi.适用;应用;使用

charge     v.要价,收费

front desk 柜台

clerk     n.办事员

afterwards     ad.后来;以后

distance     n.1.距离;2.远方;远景


according     adj.根据……所说的

mini     a.微型的;最低的

additional    a.附加的;另外的

Chicago (地名)芝加哥

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