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[日期:2007-02-21]   [字体: ]

从A、B、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21.-Who knocked at the door?
-I’ve no idea.I just pretended nobody was at home,so I didn’t ask who ______was.

A.he          B.that        C.she        D.it
22.Apples are usually sold by ______weight,and eggs are sometimes sold by______dozen.
A.the;the        B.不填;a      C.不填;the      D.the;a
23.I ______violin lessons every two weeks,but I think I’ll make it every week from next month.
A.am having      B.have had      C.have      D.have been having
24.It’s too late to go out now._______,it’s starting to rain.
A.Besides      B.Meanwhile      C.However    D.Anyhow
25.If you listen to me,you ______have some candies,deary.
A.shall        B.may        C.will      D.must
26.-I always look out when crossing the street.
-You’re right.You cannot be too______.
A.nervous      B.careful        C.hurried      D.careless
27.Is it in that factory ______this type of cars are produced?
A.which        B.where        C.that      D.in which
28.-Do you have anything more ______,sir?
-No.You can have a rest or do something else.
A.typing        B.to be typed      C.typed      D.to type
29.You should think______yourself instead of just obeying orders.
A.of          B.to          C.by        D.for
30.-I’m sorry I forgot to post the letter for you.
-______.I’ll post it myself,then.
A.That’s OK                B.Don’t worry    
C.Take it easy                D.It’s too bad
31.Fortunately we had a map,without______we would have got lost.
A.which        B.it          C.that      D.what
32.I always prefer starting early______leaving everything to the last minute.
A.or else        B.in case        C.rather than    D.for fear
33.When I said some students are lazy,I ______to you.
A.don’t refer        B.wasn’t referring    
C.hasn’t referred        D.didn’t refer
34.The manager promised to keep me______ of how our business was going on.
A.to be informed        B.on informing
C.informed           D.informing
35. -How did you ______the movie last night?
-Oh,both interesting and instructive.
A.find        B.consider      C.think        D.feel
One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents’ old house to get it ready for my youngest daughter’s wedding.We had to ( 36 ) a GREat climbing plant that had grown ( 37 ) a roof beam(房梁),so that we could repair the roof and ( 38 ) the walls.
When my husband was taking the plant away,he found the ( 39 ) of a blackbird that had made its home in the leaves.He then ( 40 ) something ( 41 ) among that mass of earth and straw of the nest.He broke the earth around it into pieces with his finger tips and,to his ( 42 ) ,saw glittering gold.It was a child’s bracelet(手镯).He ran into the house to ( 43 ) me.
"You won’t believe that the ( 44 ) blackbirds not only steal the best fruit we ( 45 ) to feed on,"he said,"but they also want their children to ( 46 ) in a cradle of gold!"
When my daughter came over on the eve of the ( 47 ) ,we told her about this( 48 ) occurrence.
"Don’t you remember,Mother?"she said with a loud ( 49 ) ."When I was eight,you gave me a bracelet that I ( 50 ) a few days later while out playing in the yard?It was this one!"
As the bracelet no longer ( 51 ) its owner and was dirty,I decided to take it into my safekeeping.
In December of the following year,the young couple’s baby son was baptized(受洗礼).Among the ( 52 ) the newborn baby received,I placed his mother’s bracelet,now shining like( 53 ).I hope that if my grandson ( 54 ) loses it,one of the( 55 ) that live in my backyard is somewhere nearby.
36.A.remove      B.cover        C.grow      D.water
37.A.beyond      B.over        C.across      D.through
38.A.build      B.paint        C.rescue      D.print
39.A.nest        B.baby        C.body      D.egg
40.A.moved      B.got        C.picked      D.noticed
41.A.nice        B.colorful      C.shiny      D.special
42.A.horror      B.surprise      C.delight      D.disappointment
43.A.ask        B.tell        C.show      D.give
44.A.working      B.cheating      C.dreaming    D.thieving
45.A.buy        B.plant        C.store      D.collect
46.A.lie        B.sing        C.listen      D.wait
47.A.party      B.Christmas      C.birthday    D.wedding
48.A.important    B.strange        C.terrible      D.funny
49.A.cry        B.sigh        C.laugh      D.sound
50.A.hid        B.threw        C.lost      D.broke
51.A.fitted      B.satisfied      C.matched    D.interested
52.A.jewels      B.toys        C.clothes      D.presents
53.A.attractive      B.new        C.modern      D.golden
54.A.almost      B.just        C.even      D.ever
55.A.blackbirds    B.grandchildren    C.neighbors    D.mice
BEIJING-Set off by the April 1 Sino-US plane collision and US official aGREement of the biggest arms sale to Taiwan in a decade(ten years)as well as remarks by US President Bush on defending Taiwan,there have been increasing hacker attacks on websites of the two countries in the past weeks.
An American group of hackers which calls itself Poizon Box had begun ruining Chinese web-sites after the April 1 spy plane incident,top Chinese portal Sina. com. said.
The Chinese soon attacked back.
On April 29,Chinese hackers invaded two US Government websites over the weekend,forcing the Department of Labour and the Department of Health and Human Services to shut down their sites for a short time.
The US Department of Labour went offline for a few hours after a page in its website was changed to display a picture of Wang Wei,the Chinese pilot who died in the collision.
The page was titled"China hack!"and read,in English,"The whole country is sorry for losing the best son of China-Wang Wei forever,we will miss you until the end of the day."
On May 1,hackers exchanged bad remarks in which the official White House website was defaced by a huge amount of e-mail garbage.On May 5,the White House website fell victim(受害者)to a denial of service attack that blocked access(通道)to the site for more than two hours.
The Computer Network and Information Security Management Office told web operators an average of 100 sites a day had seen"some more form of attack."
56.The best title of the passage is ______.
A.Sino-US Plane Collision        B.Sino-US Hackers Fighting Cyberwar
C.100 Sites Being Attacked        D.Cyberwar Continuing
57.What is the correct order of the events?
a.Wang Wei’s picture appeared on a US website.
b.Poizon Box destroyed some Chinese websites.
c.The access to White House website was blocked for over two hours.
d.Hackers exchanged bad remarks.
A.a,b,c,d        B.a,c,b,d      C.b,a,d,c      D.b,a,c,d
58.From the passage we can infer that ______.
A.US President Bush defended Taiwan
B.all the Chinese people are sorry for losing the best son of China
C.websites in the US and China have been watchful for attacks
D.Chinese hackers began to play an important role in foreign affairs

JACKSONVILLE,Fla,Nov.10-A 14-year-old boy was arrested today after the rotten body of an 8-year-old girl who was his neighbor was found hidden in his bedroom.She had been stabbed and beaten.
The boy,Joshua Earl Patrick Philips,admitted and was charged with murder in the death of the girl,Maddie Clifton,who disappeared on Now.3,Sheriff Nat Glover said.
Joshua,who has no criminal record,would not be eligible(合格的)for the death punishment because of his age.Detectives recovered a knife and a baseball bat believed to be the weapons used to kill the girl,the Sheriff said.
The girl had been stabbed at least nine times and was struck in the head,Sheriff Glover said at a news conference.The authorities did not say whether she has been attacked sexually,nor did they give motive for the attack.
The boy’s mother,Melissa Philips,GREw suspicious after the police searched her home on Monday and detected an odor,the Sheriff said.This morning she pulled aside the frame of the bed,saw a child’s feet and called an officer,he said.
Maddie’s body was found under a sheet of wood supporting the frame of the water bed,which was filled,Sheriff Glover said,adding,"He put her under the bed and taped her up in it."
Investigators believe the third-grader was killed in the boy’s house shortly after she disappeared last Tuesday,touching off a widespread search.
On Friday,Maddie’s parents,Steve and Sheila Clifton,made an earnest request for her return.
The boy’s house,like others in the neighborhood,had been searched three times.During the third search on Monday,the mother had at first said she though the odor came from family pets.
Hundreds of volunteers had distributed thousands of leaflets with Maddie’s picture since she disappeared that evening,about 30 minutes after she went out to play with friends.
The girl’s house is one of the well-kept,single-family homes in the older working-class of Jacksonville.Yellow ribbons(丝带)still hung from the trees this morning.
59.Which of the following statement is not fit for the report?
A.After the girl disappeared,the police searched on a large scale.
B.Quite a lot of people handed out lots of papers to look for the girl.
C.The girl’s parents are still waiting for their girl to come home safely on Friday morning.
D.The police searched the boy’s house and found the girl’s body by a strange smell.
60.It can be inferred from the report that ______.
A.the girl was killed in the boy’s home
B.the girl was stabbed many times and struck by a baseball bat
C.it is the first time that the boy has been charged
D.the boy won’t be put into prison
61.The words"motive"probably means______.
A.reason      B.action      C.motion      D.information
62.The man,Sheriff Glover,may be ______.
A.a reporter            B.a government official
C.the girl’s father          D.a person in charge of the case

There is a very simple way of measuring the height of a water-tower.Which we cannot measure by climbing.
Suppose,for example,that we wish to find out the height of the watertower,AB,in a factory,we first of all go to where the water-tower is standing and measure a distance of,say,90 feet from it,in a straight line,marking the spot that is 90 feet from the water-tower,Then we take a stick,DC,and stand it in the ground at the spot we have just marked.
Let us suppose that the stick we are using is 4 feet in height.We now walk farther away from the water-tower in the same straight line as when we measured off the distance of 90 feet.We go from the water-tower until we come to a point E,where with our head on the ground,we see the top of the stick and the top of the water-tower in the same straight line-that is,the top of the stick just over the highest part of the water-tower.
We now have two triangles(三角形)and the proportion(比例)of the side CD to the side CE,in the smaller triangle CDE,is exactly the same as the proportion of the side BA to the side BE,in the large triangle BAE.It is clear from this that every schoolboy or schoolgirl can work out the height of the water-tower.
Suppose that the line CE is 5 feet.We know that the stick is 4 feet high and the length BE is 95 feet.From these measurements we have the simple proportion sum(算题):5 is to 4 as 95 is to AB.We multiply(乘)95 by 4,making 380,and divided by 5.Then we can get the height of the water-tower.The height of any other building can,of course,be easily measured by using the same way.
63.The height of the water-tower is ______.
A.AB      B.DC      C.90 feet      D.180 feet
64.The triangle CDE must be ______.
A.below the triangle BAE      B.in the triangle BAE
C.out of the triangle BAE      D.over the triangle BAE
65.The proportion of the side CD to the side CE is ______.
A.bigger than the proportion of the side BA to the side BE
B.equal to the proportion of the side BA to the side BE
C.not as big as the proportion of the side BA to the side BE
D.smaller than the proportion of the side BA to the side BE
66.According to the measurements,which of the following proportion sums is correct?
A.BA is to four as five is to ninety-five.
B.BA is to ninety-five as four is to five.
C.Five is to ninety-five as BA is to four.
D.Four is to five as BA is to ninety.

Editor’s note:AWL is well-know for its dictionaries and English language teaching materials.Some readers have written it to ask us for the latest information on high quality books on English speaking,so here we introduce two texts that aim to improve spoken English fluency(流利).
Let’s Speak(Beginner)
By Bev Dusuya Haoko Ozeki and Kevin Rergman
ISBN:96200 1359X
Speak Up(Pre-Intermediate)
By Bev Kusuya,Nako Zeki
"Teach the students about your culture(文化)and help them talk about their own."How often are these worthy goals kept from being achieved by the limitations of you beginner-level learners?Students at all levels want to talk about culture.
Topics include food,shopping,sports,fashion the roles of men and women,health,music,and many more.
There are all chosen form surveys(调查)of over 15 000 students about their own interests in cross-cultural communication.
"Let’s Speak"and"Speak Up"share a special but excellent way that allows all students to take part.
The series has questions which start thinking and help collect opinions,about personal topics.Conversation practice is provided by ready-to-use models of basic exchanges on the topic.Also,the cultural information presented in the sense comes in the form of interesting,relevant(相关的)facts and ideas from other countries through listening tasks and Culture Quiz exercises.
Team activities in books provide lively problem-solving games to enable sharing and comparison of cultural values.
"Let’s Speak"is fit for entry-level students of all ages."Speak Up"provides for the needs of higher-level beginners,offering the same careful listening and speaking help,but with slightly more open-ended discussion.
For any information about AWL’s books,please get in touch with the following address:
Beijing Addison Wesley Longman Information Center.
Room 2306,FLTRP Beijing
19 Xi San Huan Beilu,Beijing 100081
Tel:(010)68917488(010)68917788 ext 2306
Fax:(010)68917499E-mail:zrh public bat.net.cn
67.Which of the following are mentioned about the two books in the passage above?
a.publisher b.titlesc. content d.writers e.prices f.pages g.book number
A.a,b,d,f      B.a,c,d,g      C.b,c,d,e      D.b,c,e,f
68.The two books have in common everything except______.
A.the same interesting topics
B.the same level of learners
C.proper ways to excite the learners to talk
D.right kinds of activities for cultural communication
69.According to the passage,you can have at least______ways to be connected if you want to know something about AWL’s books.
A.two      B.three      C.four      D.six

Art……………………………………………………………………………………… 44
Behavior………………………………………………………………………………… 48
Books…………………………………………………………………………………… 50
Economy & Finance………………………………………………………………………36
Medicine………………………………………………………………………………… 42
Science &technology…………………………………………………………………… 17O
ther Departments……………………………………………………………………… 52

70.Where will a reporter’s interview with a dignitary(职位高的人)appear?
A.P.48      B.P.50      C.P.49      D.P.52
71.If you want to know what a critic(评论家)says about a best-seller,you can turn to ______.
A.P.44      B.P.48      C.P.50      D.P.52

Read the advertisements(广告),then choose the right answer.
                   Driver Wanted
     ①Clean driving license(执照)
     ②Must be of smart(帅气的)appearance.
     ③Age over 25.
     Apply to(申请):Capes Taxi,17 Palace Road,Roston.

        Air Hostesses for International Flights(国际航班空姐)Wanted.
   ①Applicants(申请者)must be between 20 and 33 years old.
   ②Height 1.6m to 1.75m.
   ③Education to GCSE standard(标准).
   ④Two languages.Must be able to swim.
   Apply to:Recruitment(招聘)office,Southern Airlines,
        Heathrow Airport West.HR37KK.

                Teachers NeededFor private language school.
   Teaching experience unnecessary.
   Apply to:The Director of Studies,Instant Languages Ltd,279 Canal Street,Roston.

72.What prevent Jack,an experienced taxi driver,working for Capes Taxis?
A.Fond of beer and wine.
B.Punished for speeding and wrong parking.
C.Unable to speak a foreign language.
D.Not having college education.
73.Ben,aged 22,fond of swimming and driving,has just graduated(毕业)from a college.Which job might be given to him?
A.Driving for Capes taxis.
B.Working for Southern Airlines.
C.Teaching at Instant languages Ltd.
D.None of the three.
74.What prevent Mary,aged 25,becoming an air hostess?
A.She once broke a traffic law and was fined(罚款)
B.She can’t speak Japanese very well.
C.She has never worked as an air hostess before.
D.She doesn’t feel like working long hours flying abroad.
75.Which of the following is not mentioned(提及)in the three advertisements?
A.Marriage.          B.Male or female.
C.Education.          D.Working experience.

I can’t swim because I have a strong fear of water.Look back at my childhood experience,I think            76.______
that three reason might explain the fear.The first    77.______
reason is that I was not allowed to go near the water    78.______
when I was a child,for my mother had unreasonable    79.______
fear of it.So,even as a child I was taught see the     80.______
water as something danger.Second,my eyes       81._____
became bad ones when I was five.If I took off my     82.______
glasses in the water,I couldn’t see anything,but this     83.______
increased my fear.The worst part of your experience     84.______
is that as a child often I see a neighbor drown.Since     85.______
then I have been more frightened.
型号  586
产地  天津家用电脑公司
性能  1.硬盘更大,储存信息更多;2.图形处理得方便快捷;3..观看VCD更生动,画面更清晰;4.有助于进行家庭学习娱乐
价格  每台仅售5000元人民币

附:1.硬盘-n. hard disk 2.娱乐-v. amuse 3.方便的-a. convenient

21~25 DCDAA    26~30 BCBDA
31~35 ACBCA    36~40 ACBAD
41~45 CBCDB    46~50 ADBCC
51~55 ADBDA    56~60 BCCDD
61~65 ADABB    66~70 BBBCD
71~75 CBCDA
76.Look→Looking    77.reason→reasons      78.正确
79.在unreasonable前加an   80.在see前加to     81.danger→dangerous
82.去掉ones       83.but→and         84.your→my
One possible version:
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now let me introduce our new STONE HOME COMPUTER to you all.This kind of home computer is made in Tianjin,by Tianjin Home Computer Company.It is a new kind,586.The computer has a larger hard disk and can store much more useful information.Besides this,it is more convenient and much faster to deal with all kinds of pictures.It is also easier for you to see films or VCD with clearer pictures.It will GREatly help people learn and amuse.However,it will cost you only 5 000 yuan.To buy one computer of this kind is your best choice.Thanks.

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