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Man's Best Friend ACT I

[日期:2007-03-22]   [字体: ]

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Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful. Robbie 这个新的随身听真棒。
Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday. 这是Richard和Marilyn送给我的生日礼物。
They're so thoughtful. 他们考虑真周到。
You are very lucky, Robbie, to have such a nice family. Robbie 你真幸运,拥有一个这样温馨的家。
Is something wrong, Alexandra? Alexandra,怎么了?
No, nothing. 没有,没什么。
Yes, there is. 有,你有心事。
I can tell. 我能觉察到。
What's the matter? 到底发生了什么事?
Come on, you can tell me. 说吧,告诉我。
What's up? 有什么事?
I don't know. 我也说不上来。
Something's wrong. 有点不对劲。
OK, let's talk. 好吧,我们就来谈谈。
I received a letter from my parents this morning. 今天早上我收到父母的信。
Did they write some bad news? 他们写了什么坏消息?
No. 没有。
Well, then why are you so sad? 那,你为什么如此悲伤?
I miss them. 我想念他们。
I miss them very much. 我非常想他们。
I'm sorry, Alexandra. 我为你难过,Alexandra。
But I understand. 但是我能理解。
The Molinas treat me so nicely, Molina一家人对我很好,
and I love being with your family so much ... 我也很喜欢和你们一家在一起……
but when I received the letter 但是当我收到那封信
with photographs of my family, I cried. 连同家人照片时,我哭了。
I cried because I miss them all. 我哭因为我想念他们。
You really miss your family, don't you? 你非常惦念你的家人,是吗?
Yes. I know I must seem silly. 是的,我知道我看起来很可笑。
It's not like I have nobody. 我身边并非没有亲人。
I like the Molinas very much, 我很喜欢Molina一家。
and they're so kind to me. 他们对我真好。
Hey, why don't we go out 嘿,我们何不出去
for a cheeseburger and french fries? 吃一顿奶酪汉堡和炸薯条?
That'll cheer you up. 这样会让你舒畅些。
And you can use my Walkman. 可以用我的随身听。
That's a good idea. 好主意。
But if we go out, 但是我们出去,
please don't complain 你可别老抱怨
about your math teacher or your math homework. 你的数学老师或你的数学作业。
I want to have fun. 我想要快快乐乐的。
So do I. 我也想。
I have to turn off the lights, 我得关掉灯,
or else my father will get really angry. 要不然我爸爸会生气。
He says I never turn them out when I leave. 他说我离开时从不关灯。
If they come home and they're on ... 要是他们回来看见灯开着……。
Do you hear something? 听到什么了吗?
Yes. 是的。
What was that? 是什么呢?
It sounded like a dog barking. 听起来像狗叫。
It sounded like a dog barking right here. 好像有狗就在这儿叫。
Yeah. 对。
A dog! 狗!
A springer spaniel! 一条长毛垂耳狗!
Come on in! 进来!
Make yourself at home. 不要客气。
Oh, you poor little thing. 可怜的小东西。
Come on. 过来。
Poor baby. 可怜的小东西。
Where did you come from? 你从哪儿来?
Her name's Gemma, 叫做Gemma,
and she belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Levinson. 是Levinson夫妇家的狗。
There's a phone number -- 有电话号码---
five five five ... eight four four eight. 555……8448。
Robbie, maybe you should call them    Robbie ,也许你该给他们打个电话
and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel. 告诉Levinson夫妇他们可爱的小猎犬在我们这儿。
I've always wanted a springer spaniel. 我一直想要一条长毛狗。
She's so cute. 这条狗真可爱。
The number you are calling -- 555-8448 -- 你打的电话号码555--8448
is no longer in service. 是空号。
The number's no longer in service. 这个号码现在是空号。
Oh, you poor, poor baby. 呵,可怜的小家伙。
You've lost your family. 无家可归了。
We'll find them. 我们会找到他们的。
Don't worry, Alexandra. 别担心,Alexandra。

Alexandra and I are such good friends.
We listen to music together
and go places together
and talk about things.
Like today, Alexandra was so unhappy
and I didn't understand why at first.
I received a letter from my parents this morning.
Did they write some bad news?
Well, then why are you so sad?
Then I realized that Alexandra was lonely.
She was so lonely without her family.
You really miss your family, don't you?
Yes. I know I must seem silly.
It's not like I have nobody.
I like the Molinas very much
and they are so kind to me.
She seemed so sad.
I had to cheer her up.
I got an idea.
We always have such a good time
when we go out together.
Hey, why don't we go out for a cheeseburger
and french fries?
That will cheer you up.
But then Gemma showed up.
A dog.
I think Alexandra felt better.
She wasn't the only one who missed her family.
Gemma did too.
Gemma looked so lonely.
With such a sad face,
and Alexandra understood.
Oh, you poor, poor baby.
You've lost your family.
Don't worry, Alexandra.
We'll find them.



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