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学科术语 N

[日期:2007-04-09]   [字体: ]

1301. 液压元件课程设计 Course Exerciese in Hydraulic Elements
1302. 遗传学 Genetics
1303. 仪表可靠性 Meter Reliability
1304. 仪表零件及结构 Meter Elements & structure
1305. 仪器电路设计 Instrument Circuit Designing

1306. 仪器分析 Instrumental Analysis
1307. 仪器物理 Instrumental Physics
1308. 仪器物理学 Instrumental Physics
1309. 仪器制造工艺 Instrument Manufacturing Technique
1310. 仪用运放电路 Instrument Transporting Circuitry
1311. 音乐欣赏 Music Appreciation
1312. 银行信贷 Bank Credits
1313. 印刷输出设备设计原理 Principle of Printing Out/Put Equipment Designing
1314. 英国文学史 History of British Literature
1315. 英美文学作品选读 Selected Readings of British & American Literature
1316. 英汉翻译 English-Chinese Translation
1317. 英美报刊选读 Selected British & American Newspaper Readings
1318. 英美概况 British & American Culture and Society
1319. 英美外台选听 Selected Listenings of British & American Broadcast
1320. 英美文学史 History of British & American Literature
1321. 英文打字 Typing in English
1322. 英语 English
1323. 英语词汇学 English Lexicology
1324. 英语泛读 Extensive Reading
1325. 英语精读 Intensive Reading
1326. 英语口语 Oral English Practice
1327. 英语视听 English Videos
1328. 英语听力 English Listening Comprehension
1329. 英语写作 English Writing
1330. 英语语法 English Grammar
1331. 英语语法流派 Schools of English Grammar
1332. 英语语言学导论 Introdnction to General Lingnistics
1333. 英语语言专题讲座 Current Issues in Language Research and Education
1334. 英语语音 English Phonetics
1335. 英语阅读 English Reading
1336. 英语阅读与技巧 English Reading & Skills
1337. 应用光学 Applied Optics
1338. 应用光学课程设计 Course Design of Applied Optics
1339. 应用光学设计 Applied Optics Design
1340. 应用光学实验 Experiment on Applied Optics
1341. 应用化学 Applied Chemistry
1342. 应用解剖 Applied Anatomy
1343. 应用软件基础 Basic Applied Software
1344. 应用软件与数据库 Applied Software & Database
1345. 应用物理实验 Experiment of Applied Physics
1346. 影视课 Movies & TV Series
1347. 优化技术基础 Basis of Optimal Technique
1348. 优化设计 Optimal Design
1349. 有机化学 Organic Chemistry
1350. 有机化学实验 Organic Chemistry Experiment
1351. 有色金属 Colored & Fine Metal Alloy
1352. 有限单元法 Finite Element
1353. 有限元法及应用 Finite Element & its Application
1354. 有限元及其在内燃机中应用 Application of Finite Element IC Engine
1355. 语言学概论 Introduction to Linguistics
1356. 语义学 Semantics
1357. 语音练习 Practice on Phonetics
1358. 语音学基础 Basis of Phonetics
1359. 预测技术 Predicting Technique
1360. 预测与决策 Predicting and Policy-Making
1361. 原理设计 Principle Design
1362. 原子物理学 Atomic Physics
1363. 园林设计 Garden Designing
1364. 源流理论与计算方法 Principle & Computing Method of Source Flow
1365. 远动技术 Motion Technology
1366. 阅读与技巧 Reading & Skills
1367. 运筹学 Operational Research
1368. 噪声原理及分析 Principle & Analysis of Noise
1369. 造型材料 Modeling Material
1370. 造型材料及基础 Material & Basis of Modeling
1371. 粘弹性力学 Viscous Elastic Mechanics
1372. 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Mechanics
1373. 哲学 Philosophy
1374. 真空物理与技术 Vacuum Physics Technology
1375. 振动分析与测试 Vibration Analysis & Testing
1376. 振动理论 Theory of Vibration
1377. 振动理论与测试 Theory & Testing of Vibration
1378. 振动学 Vibration
1379. 政治经济学 Plutonomy
1380. 政治理论 Political Theories
1381. 政治学 Politics
1382. 直流调整系统 Direct Current Adjustive System
1383. 直流输电 Direct Current Transmission
1384. 制冷及低温技术 Refrigeration & Cryogenic Technique
1385. 制冷系统优化与节能 Optimal Refrigeration System & Energy Saving
1386. 制冷与空调 Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning
1387. 制冷原理与设备 Refrigeration Principle & Equipment
1388. 智能化仪表基础 Basis of Artificial Intelligence Meter
1389. 智能机器 Artificial Intelligence Machinery
1390. 智能仪器设计与应用 Design & Application of Artificial Intelligence Instrument
1391. 质量管理 Quality Management
1392. 质量管理工程学 Quality Management Engineering
1393. 中国传统文化专题 Topics on Chinese Traditional Culture
1394. 中国当代文学史 History of Chinese Contemporary Literature
1395. 中国革命史 History of Chinese Revolution
1396. 中国古代建筑史 History of Ancient Chinese Architecture
1397. 中国古代名著欣赏 Appreciation of Famous Ancient Chinese Works
1398. 中国古代史 History of Ancient China
1399. 中国古代文学作品选讲 Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese Literary Work
1400. 中国古典文学 Classical Chinese Literature

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