Instant messaging is the most popular service on the Internet today.Combined with the estimated 250 million new digital handset shipments for 1999,it only makes sense to offer the technology on wireless phones.In response,Tegic Communications has announced a new version of its T9 Text Input short-messaging technology that will allow instant messaging for wireless phones.
T9 Text Input,which is now a standard feature on 85 per cent of all cell phones,set the stage for instant messaging by making text entry on the smaller keypads of cell phones much easier.It enables just one key press per letter,rather than multitapping.
The software currently supports many languages,including Chinese, English,French,German,Italian,Japanese,Korean,Norwegian and Swedish.As with the desktop,users can view a buddy list to see if friends or colleagues are currently connected(on the phone or on the Net)via a cell phone.The user's buddy list is automatically updated,and anonymity can be preserved through the use of aliases.
People want it mainly for privacy.It's unobtrusive communication. If you're in a meeting,it can be embarrassing if your phone rings.With instant messaging,you just set a quieter alert.It also avoids telephone tag.Another potential benefit is that the instant messaging feature eliminates the need to carry multiple devices,like papers and notebooks.The technology is also compatible with PC based instant messaging applications.
There's a real problem with this too.People are losing voice messages because the cell networks are overloaded.When the cell networks improve then it might be a more reliable technology.
Like it or not,the instant message feature will appear in the next wave of cell phones from many manufactures,such as Nokia,Ericsson, Motorola,Sony,Philips,and Mitsubishi as early as first quarter 2000.
1.Instant messaging, ,is the most popular service on the Internet today.
A)the only device for all communication
B)with two similar words like book and cook
C)combined with the estimated 250million new digital handset shipments
D)scans your key strokes to come up with a word that matches
2.The T9 software supports many languages except .
A)Russian B)Italian C)Swedish D)Norwegian
3.The potential benefit of instant messaging is that .
A)it will lose voice messages
B)many people would choose a cell phone
C)you can send and receive instant text messages
D)you needn't carry many devices,such as papers and notebooks
4.From the context we can infer that“Tegic Communications”is .
A)a Text Input B)the name of a company
C)an instant message D)the system for mobile telecommunications
5.The best title of the passage is .
A)The Cellular Phone Market in the Future
B)Instant Messaging,A Quiet Alternative
C)T9 Text Input Made Cell Phones Much Easier
D)The Instant Messaging Feature Will Appear in 2000
参考答案: CADBB