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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]

    分词形容词(participle adjectives)

    1.有一批描述某事物如何对某人产生影响的-ing分词,具有形容词的特征,既可作定语也可作表语, 可以被very, rather, quite, extremely, really, pretty, awfully, terribly 等表示程度的副词修饰,有比较等级。例:

    Children enjoy interesting stories. 小孩喜欢听有趣的故事

    The story was rather amusing. 这故事相当有趣。

    The young fellow looked charming in his sleep. 这年轻人睡觉时非常可爱。

     It sounds pretty interesting. 这听起来真有意思。

     The situation was more puzzling than ever. 形势比以往更加扑朔迷离。

     Of the three books this one is the most interesting. 三本书当中,这本最有趣。

     We found this affair very puzzling.  我们发现这事扑朔迷离。

    能这样用的有:alarming, amazing, amusing, annoying, astonishing, boring, charming, compelling, confusing, convincing, depressing, disappointing, disgusting, disturbing, embarrassing, encouraging, entertaining, exciting, frightening, inspiring, interesting, misleading, pleasing, relaxing, rewarding, satisfying, shocking, surprising, thrilling, tiring, worrying等。

    2. 有时候-ing形容词与某个动词的常见用法没有联系。例如become是“变成”,而becoming 却是“合适的、合身的”,我们说:The skirt is very becoming to you.(这裙子很适合你)。又例:

    The north wind in winter is cutting. 冬天北风刺骨。

    It's hard to scold a child who has such an engaging manner.斥责这么一个招人喜爱的小孩是很难的。

    We should concentrate our energy on more pressing matters. 我们应该把精力集中在更紧迫的事情上。

    She was the more promising worker of the two. 这两个工人中,她更有前途。

    Jane is a retiring girl. 珍妮是个好静的姑娘。


    I felt very frightened. 我感到很害怕。

    The minister was very opposed to strong drink. 那位牧师坚决反对酗酒。

    He always takes pride in his work. He's very devoted/dedicated. 他总是为自己的工作感到自豪,他很有献身精神。

    It is more complicated and more expensive to move a large family than a small one. 人口多的家庭搬起家来要比人口少的家庭更麻烦,花钱也更多。

    I'm always disturbed when I don't get any mail. 我收不到邮件时总是感到不安。

    No organ of the body is less appreciated than the skin. 身体的器官,没有比皮肤更不受重视的了。

    作表语的过去分词,大多数来自及物动词(见上面例句),不及物动词的过去分词作表语只有少数几个:arrived, assembled, come, gone, faded, grown up, set 等,其中最常见的是go 的过去分词gone。例:

    Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay. 快乐童年,一去不复返。

    Their grandchildren are grown up now.他们的孙子已经长大成人

    Spring is come. 春天来了。

    The sun is set. Let's go home. 太阳已经下山了,我们回家吧。

    The leaves are fallen. 树叶落了。(不及物动词的过去分词作表语)

    许多-ed 分词已完全被看作形容词,像advanced, conceited(自负的), concerned, contented, disappointed, distinguished, excited, frightened, interested, learned, limited, overjoyed, pleased, pro-nounced, qualified, reserved, tired 等,在Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 中已经作为形容词独条列出。其它的如alarmed, amazed, amused, balanced, bored, disturbed, divided, embarrassed, exhausted, fascinated, hurt, lined, puzzled, relaxed, satis-fied, surprised, shocked, specialized, worried等,虽未作为形容词单独列出,但许多以英语为母语的人,特别是美国人,也倾向于把它们与very 连用。


    Despite my advanced years, I am learning to drive. 尽管我年事已高,我仍在学开车。

    A noted surgeon operated on him.一个著名的外科医生给他动手术。

    He is making a pointed comment about the plan. 他正在对这个计划发表针对性意见。

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