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[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]

It is important that all the details you include in a paragraph are relevant and support the main idea of the paragraph (expressed in the topic sentence). Read the following paragraph and cross out the sentences and clauses which you consider irrelevant. The topic sentence has been underlined to help you.

When I was twelve, my sister went to university and we saw even less of her. Whenever we did see her, however, we realised that she was no longer the same person. Change is a part of life. Many things change in our lives, sometimes for the better but sometimes for the worse. Not only had she started to wear long, flowing dresses and lots of colourful make-up, but her hair was also quite different. Whereas previously① she had always insisted on keeping it cut short, it was now startlingly long and rather unkempt②. I've always longed to grow my hair myself, but my parents don't approve of long hair. Her attitude towards me had similarly undergone③ an enormous change. She now wanted to spend time with me, even though I was busy studying for my school exams and it was important for me to do well. She seemed to enjoy telling me all the gossip④ that was doing the rounds, about her life at university and her plans for the future, and she also helped me GREatly with various problems I was facing at school, and there were plenty of those, I can tell you! Within a matter of weeks she had become my closest friend.

Notes: ①previously: 以前;先前 ②unkempt:凌乱的 ③undergo:经过 ④gossip:流言蜚语

参考答案:Change is a part of life... for the worse.

I've always longed... approve of long hair.

... and there were plenty of those, I can tell you!

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