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[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]



II.1.by train 2.a hard hat 3.30 floors 4.eats his lunch 5.likes his work




I.Listen to the following passage and choose the right picture.

I live on a small island in the Philippines.There isn't a hospital on the island.There is one road.In the middle of the island there is a town.You can buy food and drink and clothes there. There are a lot of banana trees near the town and there are some hills in the east of the island.In the north there is a lighthouse.It is on the east of the river,next to the sea.There is a small village in the northwest of the island.A road goes northwest from the town to the village.There are two islands near the west of the island.There's an old building in the south near the sea.Many years ago it was the house of a rich man,but nobody lives there now.

II.Listen to the following passage and com plete the sentences.

John's job is to build tall buildings.Each day he takes the train into the city.John puts on a hard hat.He climbs up high on the building.All the workers help to put the next floor on the building.Each day the building grows taller.When it is finished,this building will have 30floors. John and the other builders are not afraid to be up high.But they must be careful.When it is windy,the building moves a little.John spends all day high above the city.He even eats his lunch up there.John would not want to have any other job!

III.Listen to the passage and questions,and choose the best answers to the questions.

Tomorrow Tom will get up at half past six.He will have breakfast at seven and arrive at school at a quarter to eight.He will go into the school at eight and the first lesson,English,will begin at eight fifteen.The second lesson,science,will begin at nine and a Chinese lesson will begin at nine forty-five.

Tom will have a rest at ten thirty.Then he will have a maths lesson at a quarter to twelve.He will have lunch at half past twelve.There will be sports at one thirty and he will go home at three. He will do his homework at half past four and he will go to bed at nine thirty.


1.What will Tom do tomorrow?

2.When will the English lesson begin?

3.How long will Tom rest after the Chinese lesson?

4.When will Tom go home?

5.What will Tom do at half past four?

IV.Listen to the passage and choose the right answer.

Mrs Drake is almost 70 years old.She started a club.It is a walking club.There are now ten people in the club,and most of them are older people like herself.The people walk two miles every day.They walk very quickly because that is the best way to stay in shape.When it is too cold to walk outside they walk in a shopping mall.They all wear T-shirts that say“I Love Walking.”Something funny happened to the walking club one day.A dog began to follow them. Soon,there were two more dogs.Now the walking club has both people and dogs walking every day.

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