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[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]


一。听录音一遍,请从所给的A、B、C中选出你所听到的单词,将其标号填入括号内。(每小题 5 秒)

(   )1.A.thin     B.gain          C.lain   

(   )2.A.told     B.talked        C.knocked    

(   )3.A.water    B.walk          C.daughter    

(   )4.A.cotton   B.corn          C.called    

(   )5.A.our team  B.on the team     C.in the team     

二。听录音一遍,请从所给的A、B、C中选出正确答案,将句子补充完整。(每小题 5 秒)

(   )1.You ______ . I can't catch your words.   

    A.speak too quickly

    B.speak more loudly

    C.spend more money

(   )2.Our knowledge of the universe is growing ______ .    

    A.all my life   B.all the same  C.all the time

(   )3.There are more than ______ students in the school.   

    A.5,555,000    B.5,555    C.50,555

(   )4.if you keep on, you may ______ the others.   

    A.catch a bus B.catch up with C.catch some birds

(   )5.If you don't ______ ,please tell me the reason.   

    A.aGREe with me  B.angry with me C.against me

三。听录音一遍,请根据对话内容和第三个人的提问,选择正确答案,将其标号填入括号内。(每小题 15 秒)

(   )1.A.She's leaving London.    

        B.She's coming back from London.

        C.She's going to London.

(   )2.A.An hour.B.An hour and a half. C.30 minutes.   

(   )3.A.$ 18.        B.$9.        C.$ 40.        

(   )4.A.It's heavy.  B.It's big.    C.It's dirty.     

(   )5.A.Tim.  B.All the children except Tim.

C.No one.    

四。听录音两遍,请从所给的选项中选出与你听到的意思最接近的一句,将其标号填入括号内。(每小题 15 秒)

(   )1.A.Edison's mother saw the doctor herself.   

       B.Edison's mother let sb. Ask the doctor to come to her house.

       C.The doctor asked Edison's mother to come to the hospital.

(   )2.A.Everyone in Japan is rich.   

        B.Everyone in Japan is poor.

    C.Some people in Japan are rich, some are poor.

(   )3.A.Every girl can have one blouse.    

        B.Every girl can't have one blouse.

        C.The girls have one blouse.

(   )4.A.He likes Chinese now.    

       B.He likes Chinese, but doesn't like English.

       C.He likes Chinese a lot.

(   )5.A.Tom's aunt's house is far from here.        B.Tom's house isn't far from here.

        C.Tom's house isn't near here.

(   )6.A.I don't think Jimmy will pass the exam.   

        B.I think Jimmy will pass the exam.

        C.I'm afraid Jimmy will pass the exam.

(   )7.A.You'll answer my letter as soon as possible.       

     B.You'll ring back to me as soon as you can.

     C.You'll get the bag back as soon as possible.

(   )8.A.Lucy has learned maths well because it's very easy for her.


        B.Lucy has stopped learning maths because it's not easy for her.

        C.Lucy has learned maths very hard because it's very interesting to her.

(   )9.A.I have known Li Lei since last year.   

    B.It is three years since I knew Li Lei.

    C.We have known each other since four years ago.

(   )10.A.Both Class A and we kicked three goals.   

    B.Class A kicked more goals than we.

    C.It was a draw between Class A and us.

五。听录音两遍,请根据对话内容判断下列句子的正误,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(答题时间 60 秒)

(   )1.The boy hurt his leg when he fell off his bike.   

(   )2.The boy wanted to call his mother.  

(   )3.The telephone number is 2380179.   

(   )4.The girl will make a phone call instead of the boy.   

(   )5.The boy couldn't stand up.   

六。听录音两遍,在每小题中的横线上填上所缺的单词。(每小题 15 秒)

1.That's one ______ I haven't ______ today!

2.As ______ as she could, Miss Zhao got a ______ box.

3.He was just ______ asleep when there was a loud ______ at the door.

4.They ______ passed on their ______ at the same time.

5.That room is not ______ ______.

七。听录音三遍,请根据短文内容判断正误,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。(答题时间 60 秒)

(   )1.A lot of families buy Christmas trees a few days before Christmas.   

(   )2.At this time people always send presents to each other.   

(   )3.My brother likes listening to music.   

(   )4.I'll buy a ship for my little sister.   

(   )5.Last year my brother didn't come back home because he was busy.   

八.听录音三遍,请根据短文的内容,选择正确的选项,将其标号填入括号内。(答题时间 60 秒)

(   )1.In some countries, people think 13 is ______ .   

    A.a good number    B.a lucky number

    C.an unlucky number    D.a bad number

(   )2.Jack asked some friends to ______ .   

    A.sit at table    B.dinner

    C.count the number    D.have a party

(   )3.Everyone's face turned white ______ .   

    A.because they are afraid    B.except Mrs Brown

    C.except Mr Brown    D.except Jack

(   )4.Mrs Brown will have a baby ______.    

    A.in a week    B.in a few days

    C.in a few nonths     D.in a few weeks

(   )5.They said: " ______ "    

    A.Have a good time.    B.Congratulations!

    C.Don't worry.    D.Good luck!

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