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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]


Modernization for China

Outline:1.Changes are around us.

         2.What modernization really means?

         3.What will you do to help in the modernization of 

            our country?






Many things we only saw on TV not so long ago have become commonplace(平常的事)in our daily life.In large cities and small towns alike,skyscrapers seem to have sprung up overnight;luxu-rious cars are running on the flyovers(立交桥)or racing along the inter-city expressways(高速公路);smartly dressedpeople are purchasing important goods in the supermarkets;computers and internets have found their ways into the classrooms,offices and even millions of homes.In a word,China is catching up fast,both in technology and in material wealth.

However,modernization means more than high-tech equipment,convenient transportation,or even a higher living standard of the whole urban population.As it is pointed out in the Fourth National ConGREss,the key to the realization of our Ninth Five-year Plan and the long term target for the year 2010 lies in improving the overall quality of the Chinese nation.But we should not forget that there are still underdeveloped areas where people do not have enough to eat and children are too poor to go to school.We should educate the law-ignorant(法盲)as well as the illiterate in China.

Therefore,we still have a long way to go.As a college student living at the beginning of the 21st century,I have clearly realized the burden on my shoulders.Therefore,I am determined to study hard and acquire much more knowledge so as to better prepare myself to meet the needs of our country.



commonplace代替common things,用expressways代替highways,用smartly代替 beautiful;此外,还有skyscrapers,luxurious cars,flyovers等词既显示出从大处着眼现代化的“大气”,又显示出作者语言词汇的功底。最后一句用转换词组In a word对全段进行了合乎情理的概括。第二段段首However一词,一方面起了承上启下的作用,另一方面从“现代化不只意味着高科技的设备,便利的交通运输,甚至是全部城镇人口的较高生活水准”的角度,对中国的现代化提出了实质性的较高要求,使读者有一种很强的感染力和号召力。为此,本段的表述就从中华民族的角度,高瞻远瞩地提出了实现现代化的关键在于提高中华民族的国民素质,实事求是地提出了我们国家还有贫穷落后的一面,以及今后的艰巨任务和奋斗目标。最后一段开头提出‘作为21世纪初的大学生,我……’表达了充满朝气的、富有新时代气息的年轻一代的丰富内涵。全文过渡自然,语义连贯,层层深入,浑然一体,具有较强的号召力。


Love and Learning

【引言段】Different people look at love and learning in

different ways.


[段落布局]根据已知信息,作者可对这一熟悉的话题从不同的角度发表不同的看法。对“Different people”可自然联想到身边不同的人可能是教师与学生,家长与子女,而他们对这一问题的不同看法无非是赞成与不赞成,褒与贬。因此,除引言段外,可在第二段表述一些大学教师对大学生谈恋爱持反对的态度;而在第三段当然就是一些大学生对此持赞成的态度了;最后可在双方分别阐述的基础上,得出符合客观实际的结论。


Love and Learning

Different people look at learning and love in different ways.

Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time consuming and tears one away from learning.If a student falls in love,he will certainly fall behind in his courses.

Students,however,hold that forbidding love affairs among college students is no good. They insist that a student who falls in love with someone will study harder and will make GREater progress.They don't believe that a person who has not fallen in love can concen- trate himself on learning.

As popular saying goes,“Everything has two sides.”So does love.If you don't give yourself away in love but take it as a drive, you will make more proGREss in your learning and have good scores.But if you are infatuated with love,you will be a definite failure in your studies.


全文总共155个字,文章虽短,但用词恰当,如:for the sake of,tear away from,concentrate on,give oneself away in,take...as, be infatuated with(迷恋于)等,而且句型变化较多,达到了语言通顺,表达清晰的效果。

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