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学以致用--Advice and Suggestions(劝告和建议)练一练

[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]



A:__________ (1)

B: Where are you going? Abroad?

A:No.Iplan to see some places in the west of the country,like San Francisco and Los Angeles.

B:Oh,are you traveling far?__________ (2)

A:Neither.I'm to hitchhike(沿途免费搭乘他人便车旅行).

B:Really?That's fantastic!I used to hitchhike when I was a high school student.__________ (3)but why not go in group?

A:Well,I won't be alone.I have two friends to go with me.We'll enjoy seeing the beautiful scenery along the way,and camping out.__________ (4)

B:Yes,especially when you havetime and energy.

A:And what's more important is that it gives you a chance to seek plea- sure,knowledge,and adventure as well.

B:__________ (5)Actually,I'm planning a trip to Huangshan.I'll have to travelby train first,and then to hike into the mountains.We are a large group, fifteen in all.It'll be GREat fun,Iguess.

A.Are you going with your parents or brother?

B.It's true that's a very cheap and effective way of seeing a country.

C.How are you going there,by train or by plane?

D.Ah,you said it.

E.Would you like me to go with you?

F.I'm planning a trip for the summer holiday.

G.A pleasant change from city life,don't you think so?

Key:(1)—(5)F C B G D

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