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[复合句] 高考语法综合练习(十六)

[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]


     61.①In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals,__________were won by women.

②By the end of the year,the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars,__________were sent to Africa.

③Mr King,__________were badly hurt,was quickly taken to hospital.

④The boss__________Mr King worked had heard about the accident.

A.in whose department B.all of which

C.12 of which D.whose legs

62.①The boys are out,__________makes us lonely.

②Taiwan is part of China,__________is known to all.

③China has sent up another manmade satellite,__________was announced.

④Mr Dong makes his maths lessons lively,__________GREatly improves our maths.

⑤She has married again,__________was unexpected.

A.as B.which C.that D.what

63.She told us about the professor and universities__________she has visited in the US.

A.that B.which C.who D.where

64.①I don't like the way__________you listen with your mouth half open.

②This is not the way__________we came last time.

A.which B.that C.in which D.by which

65.①That's the reason__________he left home.

②That is the reason__________he explained to us.

A.which B.that C.how D.why

66.①The girl you want to see is the one__________lives next to me.

②This is one of the presents__________my friends gave me on my holiday.

A.that B.who C.whom D.which

67.①This is the first town__________we shall visit.

②This is the first town__________we have worked.

A.that B.which C.where D.there

68.She lied to us__________she had to__________a job.

A.what;to get B.because;get

C.because;in order to get D.all;get

69.-Don't you reGREt paying $200,000 for the car.

-No,I would gladly have paid__________for it.

A.two as much B.as much two times

C.twice so much D.twice as much

70.His mother brought him two books,__________was what he liked.

A.both of which B.both of them

C.neither of which D.neither of them


61.①C ②B ③D ④A 62.①B ②A/B ③A/B ④B ⑤B 63.A
64.①B/C ②B/D 65.①B/D ②A/B 66.①B ②A/D 67.①A ②C 68.B 69.D 70.C

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