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[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

The whole world in which we live is influenced by science,as is shown most immediately and strikingly by our modern conveniences and material resources.A little deeper thinking shows that the influence of science goes much farther and colors the entire outlook in the mind of modern civilized(文明的)man on the world about him.Perhaps one of the most telling marks of this is his growing freedom from superstition(迷信).Freedom from superstition is the result of the firm belief that the world is not controlled by caprice,but that it is a world of order and can be understood by man if he will only try hard enough and be clever enough.This belief that the world is understandable is,doubtless,the most important single gift of science to civilization.The wide-spread acceptance of this view can be dated to the discovery by Newton of the universal rule of the law of gravitation(万有引力);and for this reason Newton may be justly regarded as the most important single man that helped bring about modern life.

    1.What could be the best title of the passage?

    A.Science and Modern Conveniences B.Science and Civilization

    C.Science and the World of Moral Order D.Discovery of Scientific Laws

    2.The GREatest benefit of science has been ___________ .

    A.the encouragement of deep thinking

    B.the development of material resources

    C.an understanding that the world has order

    D.the rapid growth of everyday conveniences

    3.The passage implies(暗示)that,before Newton,___________ .

    A.men felt unable to understand or know nature

    B.men were unable to deal with nature

    C.men understood nature but did not use their knowledge

    D.men were interested in science mainly for its practical benefits

    4.Caprice as used in the passage means ___________ .

    A.luck B.superstition

    C.something frightening

    D.something that cannot be understood or explained

    参考答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D

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