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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]


One day Peter(1)         (come)home from kindergarten(幼儿园).He had just(2)         (learn)to count to ten .In the yard he found his little sister Betty waiting for him.“I(3)         (know)how to count!”

Peter boasted(吹牛).“I learned in the kindergarten.Watch me count the steps now .”

They(4)         (began)to climb the stairs,with Peter counting loudly.


“Well,”Betty said,“go on .”

“Wait a minute,I(5)         (forget)the next step.Just a second and I(6)         (remember).”

“Well,go on and remember,”said Betty.

They stood and stood there on the fifth step.

“No,I'll n ever remember it this way.Let's(7)         (begin)all over again .”

They went down to the bottom(底)and started climbing again.

“One,”counted Peter,“two,three,four,five—”

And again he(8)         (stop).

“Forgot again ?”asked Betty.

“Er,Funny(多奇怪),just now I knew it all and now I(9)         (can, not)remember!Let's try again .”

Again they went down and Peter began from the beginning .



“No,Don't bother me!You keep me from(10)         (thin k)!See, because of you,I've forgotten.Now we'll have to start all over again .”

“I(11)         (not want)to start all over again ,”said Betty.“Up and down,up and down.My legs ache already.”

“If you don't want to,you don't have to.But I won't go on till I(12)         (remember).”

Betty left him and went home.

“Mama,”she said,“Peter's down stairs counting ,the steps:one,two,three, four,five,and he can't remember the next.”

“Next comes six,”said Mama.

Betty ran out and saw Peter below still(13)         (count).



“Six!”Peter cried and went on :“seven ,eight,nine,ten .”

Luckily,there(14)         (be)only ten steps.Or Peter never would have got home,because he(15)         (only learn)to count to ten .


1.was coming 2.learned 3.know 4.began 5.have forgotten 6.will remember 7.begin 8.stopped 9.can't 10.thinking 11.don't want 12.remember 13.counting 14.were 15.had only learned


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