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[组图]I Love Teaching

[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]

Judy Krecek has been teaching for twenty-four years. She teaches social studies, language arts, computer skills, and other disciplines. Students in her class read and write, as all students do. Like all elementary school students, they also play pranks on their teacher. (Ms. Krecek says they do it out of love.)

Still, in some ways Ms. Krecek's classroom is not like other classrooms. When students do not recognize words, they spell them out loud instead of pointing to them. Students listen to recorded stories instead of stories read by their teacher. Their tests are recorded, too. Students must always sit in the same seats for every class. She does things this way because she is blind.

When Ms. Krecek first got her teaching license, she had trouble getting a job. Many people did not think a blind person could control a class. The principal who hired Ms. Krecek wasn't concerned. All he wanted to know was if she could teach.

Ms. Krecek is a tough teacher who pushes her students to do their best. To them, she is simply the teacher—not the blind teacher.

Here's how Judy Krecek feels about her job. “I love teaching because I can touch children's lives and make a difference.”

1. The story does not say so, but it makes you think that __________.

A.Judy Krecek is a good teacher

B. Judy Krecek's students don't learn how to read

C. Judy Krecek teaches fourth grade

2. When Ms. Krecek's students don't recognize words, they__________.

A. sound them out

B. point to them in their books

C. ask a classmate

3. On the whole, this story is about__________.

A. Judy Krecek's job

B. an elementary school class

C. what it's like to be blind

4. Why did Judy Krecek have trouble getting a job?

A. Many other people also had gotten teaching licenses that year.

B. She didn't know how to use a computer.

C. Many people thought she wouldn't be able to control her class.

Note: prank/prk/ n. 玩笑;恶作剧

参考答案:1. A  2. A  3. A  4. C

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