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[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]


We are often asked to make a speech in life. Most of us are afraid of it and don't do a good job. Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one. First of all, find out everything you can about your subject and at the same time find out as much as you can about audience. Who are they? What do they know about your subject? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. Then try to arrange your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible. Never forget your audience. Don't talk over their heads or talk down to them. When you are giving your speech, speak slowly and clearly and look at your audience. Pause for a few seconds from time to time to give your audience chance to think over what you've said. Just remember: be prepared, know your subject and your audience, say what you have to say and be yourself so that your ideas will bring you and your audience together.

Words: 181

Total Reading Time: ________

Words per minute: ________

Notes: audience 听众, arrange 安排, pause 停顿

I. True or False:

1. Most of us are good at making a speech.

2. During tile course of a speech, a speaker can think nothing of the audience.

3. Only do you speak slowly and clearly, the audience can hear well.

II. Answer the Questions:

4. What should a speaker do if he wants to make his speech a successful one?


5. Does a speaker need to stop for a few seconds for the audience to think?


III. Multiple Choice:

6. Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A. How to Remember the Audience?

B. How to Improve One's Speech?

C. How to Prepare the Material for a Speech?

D. How to Pick Out the Topic for a Speech?

7. "Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. "means that while preparing your speech, you must ___________ .

A. put your shoes aside and put on theirs

B. try their shoes to see if they fit you

C. wear the shoes with the same size as theirs

D. try to imagine yourself to be in their position

8. When he is giving his speech, the speaker should ___________ .

A. let his eyes rest on the parents

B. follow the audience step by step

C. face the audience in a natural way

D. look up and down from time to time

% Comprehension:___________





4.He should get his subject well prepared.

5.Yes,he/she does.



8.C。从文中"Don't talk over their heads or talk down to them."可知,演讲时不要把头抬得太高也不能低着头,即保持自然,面对听众。

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