▲ A.a bit B. a little
- 那天我给你还来了许多麻烦。
I gave you ___ ___ ___ trouble that day.
- 他懂一点日语。 He knows ___ ___ ___ Japanese.
▲ A.fell B. fell like
- 现在我感到很累。
Now I ___ ____ very tired.
- 你想喝点咖啡吗?
Do you ___ ____ ____ some coffee?
▲ A.in bed B. on the bed
5. 床上有一个书包。
There is a schoolbag___ ___ ___.
6. 我感冒了,一直躺在床上。
I have caught a cold and lain ___ ___.
▲ A. so that B. so…that
7. 他兴奋得连话都说不出来。
He was ____ excited ___ he could not speak.
8. 大点儿声,以便全班同学都能听清。
Speak a little louder___ ___ all the class may hear clearly.
▲ A. both…and B. neither…nor C. either…or
9. 你要么时来,要么出去。
You may ____ come in ____ go out.
__ he ____I ____ going to attend the meeting.
11. 我父母都是医生。
__ my father ___ mother ___ doctors.
12. 由于在下雨,我们改变了计划。
__ it’s raining, we have to change the plan.
13. 你为什么迟到?因为我没赶上班车。
Why were you late? ___I didn’t catch the bus.
I can not help you ___ I’m old.
1、not a little 2、a bit of (a little) 3、am feeling 4、fell like having 5、on the bed 6、in bed 7、so…that 8、so that 9、either…or 10、Neither…and…are 11、Both…and…are 12、As (Since) 13、Because 14、for