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Finding a Job Is Getting Tougher

[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]

University students said they are facing higher employment pressure than in previous years, according to the Shanghai University Students Development Report.

The report, released by the Shanghai Education Commission yesterday, surveyed 1,359 local full-time university students from 2002—2003 about their attitude toward the employment environment.

Eighty-six percent of those surveyed said they found it difficult to get a job, 28 percentage points higher than in 2000.

Most students said that graduating from a prominent school counts a GREat deal for them when applying for a job.

An increasing number of graduates, combined with more demanding employers, is causing higher employment pressure,” said Qi Ming, career development center director at Tongji University.

Shanghai had about 83,000 university graduates last year, 31 percent more than in 2002.

Another 100,000 students will graduate this June.

More than 70 percent of respondents said they want to work in Shanghai.

Most hope to obtain managerial positions with foreign-invested companies or joint ventures.

About 14 percent of students expressed an interest in civil service, and fewer than 10 percent intend to start their own business.

The report also indicated that first-time job seekers care a GREat deal about salary and potential for growth.

Nearly 85 percent surveyed said they would choose a risky but high-paying job over a stable, low-paying one.

Traditional job fairs and campus recruitment are regarded by students as the top two effective ways to find a job, the report said.

Shanghai Job Placement Center, a governmental organization, launched a month-long job fair tour yesterday at 15 local universities.

More than 10 local sub-branch placement centers will bring more than 10,000 job opportunities to campuses.

Center officials, rather than employers, will interview applicants at the job fair.

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