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Conversation Piece

[日期:2007-05-08]   [字体: ]

A: Steady on! You've spilt the coffee.
B: Sorry, I'll get a cloth and wipe it up.
A: No, no. I'm sorry for raising my voice.
B: That's alight. It was really clumsy of me. I should've been more careful.

A: Here. Let me give you some more cake. Like some more?
B: Love some, it's delicious.
A: Oh dear! Now I've gone and dropped it on your sleeve. I do beg your pardon!
B: Don't worry about that. I was going to wash the shirt this evening anyway.
A: Honestly? Or are you just saying that to be polite?
B: No, seriously. If you like, I'll wash the table-cloth, too.
A' No need, that's my job. I should wash your shirt for you! I dropped the cake!
B: And now I think we should drop the subject! Ah! Nearly fbrgot! So sorry for not bringing you your book back yet. I've not
   had time to finish it.
A: Silly of me. But I can't remember what I lent you? !
B; That book about life in America.
A: 'S right! ... Like it?
B: Don't think me mdc but not so much. I find some parts interesting and others terribly boring!
A: Sorry to hear that. I enjoyed it tremendously. I...
B: Forgive me for interrupting you but I've just noticed the time.Must dash off. I'm afraid. Sorry' I can't stay longer.
A: I'm sorry, too. Forgive me for not seeing you the bus-stop,won't you?
B: Course! ... I'll get my coat  ....  Oh no[ Look what l've done now! Broken this beautiful vase! I'll buy you another, I really can't apologize enough!
A: No problem. No real harm done! In fact, I'm glad I was never really keen on it.  But perhaps you'd better be off before
anything else happens!
B: Too true! See you next week.
A: Yeah. Bye!


Steady on                    =Please be more careful!
Raising my voice             =Speaking  angrily  in a  loud voice.
Like some more?              = Would you like to have some more?
Love some                    = I'd like very to have some more
I've gone and dropped it. (colloquial English)  = I've accidentally dropped it
drop the subject             =start to talk about something else
Don't think me rude          = sorry to say
seeing you to the bus-stop   =going with you as far as the bus-stop
Course                       = of course
was never really been of it  = never really liked
too true!                    = I aGREe entirely

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