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Apologies and Responses 精讲(1)

[日期:2007-05-08]   [字体: ]

Done something wrong? Made someone angry? Then what do you need to do? Easy! Apologize... Making an apology in English is a piece of cake. Yes, it's extremely easy.  In fact you know which word it is? Perhaps you've heard your classmates use it, when they can't answer the teacher's question! "sorry!"

   But if it's so simple, then. Why do we need a whole chapter on it? Because, just as with all other aspects of language, there are times when we need to elaborate a little.  Throw in other words or expressions in accordance with the situation.  Never forget that while simple English is always enough to put over your ideas, certain conditions must be taken into consideration your relationship with the hearer and, in this case, the seriousness or the gravity of the situation.., in more straightforward language: why you want to apologize ... what you've done and to whom! ?

   Take a look at the following scale of apologies:

     So sorry.
     Very sorry.
     Most sorry.
     Terribly sorry.
     Most terribly sorry.
     Awfully sorry.
     Most awfully sorry.
     Extremely sorry.
     Most extremely sorry.

  You should be able to pronounce these clearly and distinctly.Have a practice until they just roll of your tongue.
  Do you remember that we said foreigners always like to thank each other a lot? Then it will come as no surprise that the same is also true of apologizing.

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