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学以致用-- Thanks and Responses(感谢和应答)

[日期:2007-05-09]   [字体: ]

(A) 根据对话内容,用所学的感谢和应答的适当用语完成对话。

Mrs. Smith: Well, that was a marvelous meal.    1   your hospitality(好客).

Mr. Smith: Yes, it was delicious indeed.

Mrs. Johnson:    2   . Well, would you like more coffee?

Mrs. Smith:    3   . I think it's time we made a move.

Mr. Johnson: Not yet surely. Can't you stay a little longer?

Mr. Smith: We'd love to, but I have to be up early tomorrow.

Mr. Johnson: Oh, dear! What a shame!

Mrs. Smith:   4   .

Mr. Smith: And a wonderful meal.

Mr. Johnson:    5   .

Mrs. Johnson: Hope you can come again. 

   (B) 根据对话内容和所给汉语,完成下列对话.

Miss Li: Well, David, you've made quite big proGREss.

David: Really?    1    (我很高兴你这样说).

Miss Li: It's time I went now. I have classes in twenty minutes.

David: I know you are very busy.    2   (我真的很感激) for your time.

Miss Li:    3   (不用谢).

David: I'll be able to finish the composition tomorrow. Do you think you could check it then?  
Miss Li: Yes, I think so.

David: Thanks a million.

Miss Li:    4   (不用谢).


1. —Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine! 

   —       .

   A. GREat  B. Thanks   C. Oh, no  D. Not at all

2. —Thank you for lending me your bike.   

   —       .

   A. Don't thank me   B. I'm glad to hear that   C. No hurry   D. Not at all

3. —It's very kind of you to help me.     

   —       .

   A. That's right      B. Don't say

   C. You're welcome    D. Thank you  for your help

4. —Thank you for having us. We had a very good time today.

   —       .

  A. No, thank you      

  B. I'm afraid not   

  C. You shouldn't say that     

  D. It's my pleasure


    (A) 1. Thank you very much for 2. I'm delighted you liked it 3. No, thanks 4. Thank you for a most enjoyable evening 5. Not at all. Thank you for coming

    (B) 1. I'm so glad you say so 2. I'm really grateful 3. You're welcome 4. It's my pleasure

    (C) 1—4 BDCD

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