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Thanks and Response 口语练习 (5)

[日期:2007-05-09]   [字体: ]

A: I'm so grateful to you. Here! This is for you.
B: What? No, really, I can't accept it. I'll take nothing from you.
A' But you simply must! I won't take no for an answer.

B: Don't be silly. I only did what any friend would do. I just happened to be the first to come along!
A: And I took advantage of you. Here. Open it.
B: OK then, if you insist. It's beautifully wrapped. What can it be?
A: Oh! This is wonderful! It's perfect.., but it must'ye cost you a packet. Thanks a million.  I've always wanted a leather  briefcase but I could never seem to spare the cash.
A: I know. I remember how you always used to ogle them in the department store. This is my ways of saying "thank you"...
B: And my way of saying "thank you" to you is by inviting you to stay for supper. How about it? I'll fix us some dog meat soup.Some prawn crackers...
A: Ta very much. My favorite food! And I'll nip across the road and buy a bottle of plonk and a tin of fruit.
B: You're too late! I've got everything prepared. Iknew you were coming this afternoon.
A: And you got them specially for me! Thank you very much.Really grateful! But how did you know?
B: A little bird told me! C'mon. Let's clear the table.


I took advantage of you                = exploited you
cost you a packet                      = cost a lot of money
cash                                   = money
to ogle                                = to stare at longingly
I'll fix us some...                    = I'll make some...
plonk                                  = wine
A little bird told me                  =somebody told me
ordinary                               = cheap

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