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[日期:2007-05-22]   [字体: ]

Travis - Walking in the Sun

I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue
Oh oh oh oh
Well it's easy to see from the far

And it's easy to be on your guard
But it's harder just to be who you are
Oh oh oh oh

When all these people who will lead you down
The back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see
That there's no reason to doubt
Then you will find
You can do much better than that

If you think of all the things that you feel
All the voices in your head that you hear
It's a mystery that we are all still holding on

When all these people who will lead you down
The back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see
That there's no reason to doubt
Then you will find
You can do much better than that

If you see me hit the ground
Don't come near, don't make a sound

I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue



英国的格拉斯哥真是个人文荟萃之地!先是有Del Amitri和Texas,现在又有这支令人惊豔的年轻潜力新秀乐团由该地掘起-Travis合唱团,这支每个人一听到他们的音乐都会为之眼睛一亮的杰出乐团,藉著他们的首张专辑"Good Feeling"广播了他们寓幽默人生观於实力作品中的新音乐主义.

Travis的雏型初步出现於1990年,当时主唱暨主要词曲创作人Francis及贝斯手Douglas和吉他手Andrew都在大学里主修艺术,在五岁时就对著妈妈说他长大要成为明星的Francis果然一本初衷地辍学专心写歌去了;继续完成学业的另外两人在拿到学位后,也就理所当然地在Francis振臂一呼之下,与这位昔日同学共同实现他自幼即抱持的梦想.从小就没什么崇拜偶像习惯的Francis表示,出自他们笔下的作品具有绝对的原创性,不会重蹈别人已踏过的因循旧路.也因此,当Travis自掏腰包录制的首张EP"All I Want To Do Is Rock"面市之后,他们清新自然的可爱气质,加上Francis颇具大将之风的创作与演唱功力,立即攫获了一纸国际大唱片公司的合约,这张Travis首度录制的完整长度专辑"Good Feeling"於焉得以准备好在全球各地掀起一场风暴. 

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