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Massive steam explosion hits Manhattan,

[日期:2007-08-10]   [字体: ]
Massive steam explosion hits Manhattan, people advised to stay away from site

NEW YORK, July 18 (Xinhua) -- A steam pipe exploded in central Manhattan in New York Wednesday, sending plumes of steam roaring into the sky and throwing debris nearby. Mayor Michael Bloomberg attributed the blast to a "failure of infrastructure."

One woman died of heart attack in the aftermath of the explosion and about two dozens were injured, some seriously, Bloomberg told a news conference amid wailing sirens.

Blocks near the site were evacuated and several subway lines diverted as a result of the blast, which struck shortly before six o\'clock in the afternoon.

People are advised to stay away from the site of the rush-hour blast as tests are conducted about the possible presence of asbestos.

Bloomberg said a steam pipe, 24 inches in diameter, ruptured, possibly caused by cold water, from raining or otherwise. The pipe was installed in 1924, he added.

The underground steam pipes, which heat and cool buildings in New York, have been turned off, and a gapping crater could be seen in the middle of the street. A red pickup truck sat in the crater.

Some described the spewing steam and debris as "tornado rising from the ground."

Some windows were blown out in buildings adjacent to the site of the explosion.

Fire trucks and emergency crew are working at and near the site, which is located near 41st Street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue.

Utilities crew are cleaning up and conducting tests for any "collateral damage."

The last major steam explosion happened in 1989, killing three people and sending mud and debris several stories into the air.
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