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Accordion & Fiddle Festival(苏格烂风琴提琴节)

[日期:2007-08-22]   [字体: ]
The annual Accordion & Fiddle Festival mainly concentrates on music provided by Shetland's two most popular instruments - the accordion and the fiddle.
The festival, currently in its 12th year, takes place over a hectic four-day period in mid-October. As with Shetland Folk Festival, musicians from all over the world perform at the event, although emphasis is largely focused on Scottish Dance music. Local musicians feature prominently in the event line-up. Sessions are an integral part and important factor of the festival, an element which allows for much musical interchange and therefore musician development, especially among the younger generations.

Adopting the tried and trusted format of widespread community involvement, the event incorporates most areas of Shetland. It culminates in one of the biggest traditional dances to take place anywhere in the UK. Around a dozen different dance bands take it in turn to perform to 1,500 enthusiasts in the local sports centre in what amounts to a highly enjoyable "traditional rave".

The festival is a must for anyone who enjoys the sound of traditional music and has the stamina to absorb it for four hectic days.

Fae Shetland Tae Shetland

Fae Shetland Tae Shetland translates as From Shetland To hetland and the name really says it all.

An annual one-night event, the concert hosts top local musicians who perform free of charge to raise money. During the 10 years or so of its existence, the concert has successfully raised thousands of pounds for local charities, organizations and needy individuals.

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