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[日期:2007-08-25]   [字体: ]
Part of the Savoy Hotel, Simpson\'s is a place for meat and fish lovers, though everyone will appreciate the stunningly ornate interior and air of times gone by – the place has been serving traditional food since 1828.

Porters English Restaurant
This Covent Garden favourite is extremely popular with tourists. Head to Porters if you fancy tucking into hearty, satisfying classics such as pies, cod and chips, and roast beef.

Notting Grill
The focus at Notting Grill is definitely on meat. It is owned by renowned chef and TV celebrity Anthony Worrell-Thompson. He has searched the land for the finest livestock, so rest assured you’ll only get the best cuts. Booking is essential.

Rhodes Twenty Four
If you\'re after views with your food, Rhodes Twenty Four delivers on both. Admire the cityscape and dig into haddock with crab kedgeree, Irish stew or globe artichoke. Don’t leave without trying the jam roly poly!

With its firm, flaky haddock and chunky chips, Seashell is a down-to-earth fish and chip restaurant, popular with locals and tourists alike. It can get busy but this only adds to the atmosphere.

Rock and Sole Plaice
Leave your diet at the door and dive in to the Rock and Sole Plaice for fine frying. Eat in or take away.

London’s oldest restaurant is set in the heart of Covent Garden. Serving up traditional British cuisine since 1798, Rules places an emphasis on game, oysters, pies and puddings.

St John
A traditional English eatery housed in a former smokehouse. St John specialises in what chef Fergus Henderson has termed ‘nose-to-tail eating’, meaning that no part of meat is inedible
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