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[日期:2007-09-14]   [字体: ]

When you are watching the wonderful F1,have you noticed the flags of different colors? And do you know the exact meaning of it? If not, look further for some information.

RED FLAG : Usually the red flag appears only at the beginning and the end of the match. When there is an accident that may be a threat to other players' safety, it will also appear signing the end of the match.

WHITE FLAG : A waving flag means you may be delayed by a slow-speed one or one that has received a heavy accident. And a still one means that there is a slow-speed motor-cycle is in the way.

BLACK FLAG : The black flag appears with a white code board .It means the motor-cycle with the code on the board should have to return to the repair station before he finishes the next circle. Usually the driver receives the black flag as a punishment. He will have to stay in the repair station for ten more seconds, which is rather long for a F1 player.

BLACK FLAG AND WHITE FLAG : Warning to the player who has fouled but not very too seriously.

BLACK FLAG WITH A RED CIRCLE : It is used to warn a driver that there is something wrong with his motor. With the flag there is also a code-board, which is to identify the player.

BLUE FLAG : In the practice, a waving flag means "the motor behind is going to pass, give way." and a still one means "the motor behind you is faster than you, give way."
In formal match, a waving flag means "give way, or you will be awarded a black flag." and a still one means "give way for the behind one is lapping."

YELLOW FLAG WITH RED STRIPES : The surface of the road is very wet, be careful.

YELLOW FLAG : Still: slow down and be careful for there is an accident forward .
Waving: slow down and be ready to change your racing line.
Double waving: it has the same meaning as mentioned above, besides it also means "get ready to stop for there may be a Safe Car or a red flag in you forward line.

BLACK AND WHITE FLAG : It is also called Check flag. It means the end of the match after the driver passes it, no matter you have raced enough circles.

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