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[日期:2007-12-02]   [字体: ]

Mom: Stop! What’s the matter with you?

  Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives...

  Uncle Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk!

  Mom: Kevin, get upstairs right now.

  Kevin: Why?

  Brother: Kevin, you’re such a disease.

  Kevin: shut up!

  Dad: Kevin, upstairs!

  Mom: Say good night, Kevin.

  Kevin: Good night, Kevin. Why do I always get treated like scum?

  Mom: Oh, I’m sorry, this house is just crazy. We got all these extra kids running around and my brother-in-law’s in from Ohio today. It’s just nuts.

  Kevin: How come you didn’t bring more cheese pizzas?

  Pizza boy: Nice tip, thanks a lot!

  Mom: Thanks.

  Henry: Having a reunion or something?

  Mom: No, my husband’s brother transferred to Paris last summer and the kids still went to school here and I guess he missed the whole family so he’s giving us this trip to Paris for the holiday...so we’ll be together.

  Henry: You’re taking a trip to Paris?

  Mom: Yes, we hope to leave tomorrow morning.

  Henry: Excellent, excellent.

  Mom: If you’ll excuse me, this one’s a little out of sorts. I’ll be right back.

  Henry: Don’t worry about me. I spoke to your husband already. And don’t worry about your home. It’s in good hands.

  Mom: There are fifteen people in this house and you’re the only one who has to make trouble.

  Kevin: I’m the only one who is really getting dumped on.

  Mom: You are the only one acting up. Now get upstairs.

  Kevin: I am upstairs, dummy! The third floor?

  Mom: Go.

  Kevin:It’s scary up there.

  Mom: Don’t be silly, Fuller will be in for a while.

  Kevin: I don’t want to sleep with Fuller. You know about him. He wets the bed. He’ll pee all over me. I know it.

  Mom: Fine, we’ll put him somewhere else.

  Kevin: I’m sorry.

  Mom: It’s too late. Get upstairs.

  Kevin: Everyone in this family hates me!

  Mom: Then maybe you should ask Santa for a new family.

  Kevin: I don’t want a new family. I don’t want any family. Families suck!

  Mom: Just stay up there. I don’t want to see you again for the rest of the night.

  Kevin: I don’t wanna see you for the rest of my whole life. I don’t wannna see anybody else either.

  Mom: I hope you don’t mean that. You’d feel pretty sad if you woke up tomorrow morning and you didn’t have a family.

  Kevin: No, I wouldn’t.

  Mom: Then say it again. Maybe it’ll happen.

  Kevin: I hope I never see any of you jerks again!

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