1500 BASIC VOCABULARY VOA Special English
able - v. having the power to do something
about - ad. almost ("about half"); of or having a relation to ("We talk about the weather.")
above - ad. at a higher place
accept - v. to aGREe to receive
accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event
accuse - v. to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; to make a statement against someone
across - ad. from side to side; to the other side
act - v. to do something
activist - n. one who seeks change through action
actor - n. someone acting in a play or show
add - v. to put (something) with another to make it larger; to say more
administration - n. the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister
admit - v. to accept ("admitted to the United Nations"); to express one's guilt or responsibility ("He admitted that what he did was wrong.")
adult - n. a grown person
advise - v. to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision
affect - v. to produce an effect on; to influence ("A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance.")
afraid - ad. feeling fear
after - ad. later; behind
again - ad. another time; as before
against - ad. opposed to; not agreeing with something
age - n. how old a person or thing is
agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group ("an agency of the United Nations")
aggression - n. an attack against a person or country; the violation of a country's borders
ago - ad. of time past; before now
agree - v. to have the same belief as someone; to be willing to do something
agriculture - n. farming
aid - v. to help; to support; n. help, assistance
aim - v. to point a gun at; n. a goal or purpose
air - n. the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe
air force - n. a military organization using airplanes
airplane - n. a vehicle with wings that flies
airport - n. a place where airplanes take off and land
album - n. a collection of recorded music
alcohol - n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in industrial products
alive - ad. having life; not dead
all - ad. everything; everyone; the complete amount
ally - n. a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose
almost - ad. a little less than completely
alone - ad. separated from others
along - ad. near or on ("along the road")
already - ad. before now; even now
also - ad. added to; too
although - conj. even if it is true that
always - ad. at all times; every time
ambassador - n. a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another government)
amend - v. to add to or to change (a proposal or law)
ammunition - n. the bullets or shells fired from guns
among - ad. in or part of (a group)
amount - n. the number, size or weight of anything
anarchy - n. a lack of order; lawlessness
ancestor - n. a family member from the past
ancient - ad. very old; long ago
and - conj. also; in addition to; with
anger - n. a strong emotion against someone or something
animal - n. a living creature that moves, such as a dog or cat
anniversary - n. a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past
announce - v. to make known publicly; to declare officially
another - ad. one more; a different one
answer - n. a statement produced by a question; v. to make a statement after being asked a question
any - ad. one or more of no special kind
apologize - v. to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility
appeal - v. to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; to call on somebody for help
appear - v. to show oneself; to come into sight; to seem
appoint - v. to name; to choose ("appoint a judge")
approve - v. to agree with; to agree to support
archeology - n. the scientific study of past human life and activities
area - n. any place or part of it
argue - v. to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree
arms - n. military equipment; weapons
army - n. military ground forces
around - ad. on every side (of)
arrest - v. to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner
arrive - v. to come to a place, especially at the end of a trip
art - n. expressions or creations by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statues
artillery - n. big guns
as - conj. equally ("as fast as"); when; while
ash - n. the part left after something burns
ask - v. to question; to say something is wanted ("We ask the teacher questions every day.")
assist - v. to help
astronaut - n. a person who travels in space
astronomy - n. the scientific study of stars and the universe
asylum - n. political protection given by a government to a person from another country
at - prep. in or near ("at the edge"); where ("look at"); when ("at noon")
atmosphere - n. the gases surrounding any star or planet
attach - v. to tie together; to connect
attack - n. a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; v. to start a fight
attempt - v. to work toward something; to try; to make an effort
attend - v. to be present at
automobile - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a car
autumn - n. the time of the year between summer and winter
average - n. something (a number) representing the middle; ad. common; normal
avoid - v. to stay away from
awake - ad. not sleeping
award - n. an honor or prize for an act or service
away - ad. not near
back - n. the part behind the front; ad. the other way from forward
bad - ad. wrong; acting against the law; not good
balance - v. to make two sides or forces equal
ball - n. something round
balloon - n. a device of strong, light material that rises when filled with gas lighter than air
ballot - n. a piece of paper used for voting
ban - v. to not permit; to stop; n. an official restriction
bank - n. an organization that keeps and lends money
bar - v. to prevent or block
barrier - n. anything that blocks or makes an action difficult
base - n. a military center; v. to establish as a fact ("Her research was based on experiments.")
battle - n. a fight between opposing armed forces
be - v. to live; to happen; to exist
beat - v. to hit again and again
beauty - ad. that which pleases the eye, ear or spirit
because - prep. for the reason that ("He left because he was sick.")
become - v. to come to be
bed - n. a sleeping place
before - prep. earlier
begin - v. to do the first part of an action; to start
behind - ad. at the back of; in back of
believe - v. to think; to feel sure of; to accept as true; to trust
bell - n. an instrument that makes a musical sound ("a church bell")
belong - v. to be owned by; to be a member of
below - ad. lower than
best - ad. the most good
betray - v. to turn against; to be false to
better - ad. more good than
between - ad. in the space or time that separates; from one to the other ("talks between two nations")
big - ad. of great size; not small
bill - n. a legislative proposal
biology - n. the scientific study of life or living things in all their forms
bird - n. a creature that flies
bite - v. to cut with the teeth
black - ad. dark; having the color like that of the night sky
blame - v. to accuse; to hold responsible
blanket - n. a cloth cover used to keep warm
bleed - v. to lose blood
blind - ad. not able to see
block - v. to stop something from being done; to prevent movement
blood - n. red fluid in the body
blow - v. to move with force, as in air ("The wind blows.")
blue - ad. having the color like that of a clear sky
boat - n. something built to travel on water that carries people or goods
body - n. all of a person or animal; the remains of a person or animal
boil - v. to heat a liquid until it becomes very hot
bomb - n. a device that explodes with great force; v. to attack or destroy with bombs
bone - n. the hard material in the body
book - n. a long written work for reading
border - n. a dividing line between nations
born - v. to come to life; to come into existence
borrow - v. to take as a loan
both - ad. not just one of two, but the two together
bottle - n. a container, usually made of glass, to hold liquid
bottom - ad. the lowest part of something
box - n. something to put things into; a container, usually made of paper or wood
boy - n. a young male person
boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with
brain - n. the control center of thought, emotions and body activity of all creatures
brave - ad. having no fear
bread - n. a food made from grain
break - v. to divide into parts by force; to destroy
breathe - v. to take air into the body and let it out again
bridge - n. a structure built over a waterway, valley or road so people and vehicles can cross from one side to the other
brief - ad. short; not long
bright - ad. giving much light; strong and clear in color
bring - v. to come with something
broadcast - v. to send information, stories or music by radio or television; n. a radio or television program
brother - n. a male with the same father or mother as another person
brown - ad. having the color like that of coffee
budget - n. a spending plan
build - v. to join materials together to make something
building - n. anything built for use as a house, factory, office, school, store or place of entertainment
bullet - n. a small piece of metal shot from a gun
burn - v. to be on fire; to destroy or damage by fire
burst - v. to break open suddenly
bury - v. to put into the ground and cover with earth
bus - n. a public vehicle to carry people
business - n. one's work; buying and selling to earn money; trade
busy - ad. doing something; very active
but - conj. however; other than; yet
buy - v. to get by paying something, usually money
by - conj. near; at; next to ("by the road"); from ("a play by William Shakespeare"); not later than ("by midnight")
call - v. to give a name to ("I call myself John."); to ask for or request ("They called for an end to the fighting.")
calm - ad. quiet; peaceful; opposite tense
camera - n. a device for taking pictures
camp - n. a place with temporary housing
campaign - n. a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from voters; a connected series of military actions during a war
can - v. to be able to; to have the right to; n. a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal
cancel - v. to end; to stop
cancer - n. a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body
candidate - n. a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor
capital - n. the official center of a government; the city where a country's government is
capitalism - n. an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies
capture - v. to make a person or animal a prisoner; to seize or take by force; to get control of
car - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; an automobile; a part of a train
care - v. to like; to protect; to feel worry or interest
careful - ad. acting safely; with much thought
carry - v. to take something or someone from one place to another
case (court) - n. a legal action
case (medical) - n. an incident of disease ("There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.")
cat - n. a small animal that often lives with humans
catch - v. to seize after a chase; to stop and seize with the hands
cause - v. to make happen; n. the thing or person that produces a result
ceasefire - n. a halt in fighting, usually by agreement
celebrate - v. to honor a person or event with special activities
center - n. the middle of something; the place in the middle; a place that is the main point of an activity
century - n. one hundred years
ceremony - n. an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition
chairman - n. a person leading a meeting or an organized group
champion - n. the best; the winner
chance - n. a possibility of winning or losing or that something will happen
change - v. to make different; to become different
charge - v. to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; n. a statement in which someone is accused of something
chase - v. to run or go after someone or something
cheat - v. to get by a trick; to steal from
cheer - v. to shout approval or praise
chemicals - n. elements found in nature or made by people; substances used in the science of chemistry
chemistry - n. the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they act under different conditions, and how they form other substances
chief - n. the head or leader of a group; ad. leading; most important
child - n. a baby; a boy or girl
children - n. more than one child
choose - v. to decide between two or more
circle - n. a closed shape that has all its points equally distant from the center, like an "O"
citizen - n. a person who is a member of a country by birth or by law
city - n. any important large town
civilian - ad. not military
civil rights - n. the political, economic and social rights given equally to all people of a nation
claim - v. to say something as a fact
clash - n. a battle; v. to fight or oppose
clean - v. to make pure; ad. free from dirt or harmful substances ("clean water")
clear - ad. easy to see or see through; easily understood
clergy - n. a body of officials within a religious organization
climate - n. the normal weather conditions of a place
climb - v. to go up or down something by using the feet and sometimes the hands
clock - n. a device that measures and shows time
close - v. to make something not open; ad. near to
cloth - n. a material made from plants, chemicals, animal hair and other substances
clothes - n. what people wear
cloud - n. a mass of fog high in the sky
coal - n. a solid black substance used as fuel
coalition - n. forces, groups or nations joined together
coast - n. land on the edge of the ocean
coffee - n. a drink made from the plant of the same name
cold - ad. not warm; having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature
collect - v. to bring or gather together in one place; to demand and receive ("collect taxes")
college - n. a small university
colony - n. land controlled by another country or government
color - n. the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others
combine - v. to mix or bring together
come - v. to move toward; to arrive
command - v. to order; to have power over something
comment - v. to say something about; to express an opinion about something
committee - n. a group of people given special work
common - ad. usual; same for all ("a common purpose")
communicate - v. to tell; to give or exchange information
community - n. a group of people living together in one place or area
company - n. a business organized for trade, industrial or other purposes
compare - v. to examine what is different or similar
compete - v. to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others
complete - ad. having all parts; ended or finished
complex - ad. of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; not simple
compromise - n. the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept less than first demanded
computer - n. an electronic machine for storing and organizing information, and for communicating with others
concern - n. interest, worry ("express concern about"); v. to fear ("to be concerned")
condemn - v. to say a person or action is wrong or bad
condition - n. something declared necessary to complete an agreement; a person's health
conference - n. a meeting
confirm - v. to approve; to say that something is true
conflict - n. a fight; a battle, especially a long one
congratulate - v. to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck
Congress - n. the organization of people elected to make the laws of the United States (the House of Representatives and the Senate); a similar organization in other countries
connect - v. to join one thing to another; to unite; to link
conservative - n. one who usually supports tradition and opposes great change
consider - v. to give thought to; to think about carefully
constitution - n. the written general laws and ideas that form a nation's system of government
contain - v. to hold; to include
container - n. a box, bottle or can used to hold something
continent - n. any of the seven great land areas of the world
continue - v. to go on doing or being
control - v. to direct; to have power over
convention - n. a large meeting for a special purpose
cook - v. to heat food before eating it
cool - ad. almost cold
cooperate - v. to act or work together
copy - v. to make something exactly like another; n. something made to look exactly like another
corn - n. a food grain
correct - ad. true; free from mistakes; v. to change to what is right
cost - n. the price or value of something ("The cost of the book is five dollars."); v. to be valued at ("The book costs five dollars.")
cotton - n. a material made from a plant of the same name
count - v. to speak or add numbers
country - n. a nation; the territory of a nation; land away from cities
court - n. where trials take place; where judges make decisions about law
cover - v. to put something over a person or thing; n. anything that is put over a person or thing
cow - n. a farm animal used for its milk
crash - v. to fall violently; to hit with great force
create - v. to make; to give life or form to
creature - n. any living being; any animal or human
credit - n. an agreement that payments will be made at a later time
crew - n. a group of people working together
crime - n. an act that violates a law
criminal - n. a person who is responsible for a crime
crisis - n. an extremely important time when something may become much better or worse; a dangerous situation
criticize - v. to say what is wrong with something or someone; to condemn; to judge
crops - n. plants that are grown and gathered for food, such as grains, fruits and vegetables
cross - v. to go from one side to another; to go across
crowd - n. a large number of people gathered in one place
crush - v. to damage or destroy by great weight; to defeat completely
cry - v. to express or show sorrow or pain
culture - n. all the beliefs, traditions and arts of a group or population
cure - v. to improve health; to make well ("The doctor can cure the disease."); n. something that makes a sick person well ("Antibiotics are a cure for infection.")
curfew - n. an order to people to stay off the streets or to close their businesses
current - n. movement of air, water or electricity; ad. belonging to the present time ("She found the report in a current publication.")
custom - n. a long-established belief or activity of a people
customs - n. taxes on imports
cut - v. to divide or injure with a sharp tool; to make less; to reduce
damage - v. to cause injury or destruction; n. harm; hurt or injury, usually to things
dance - v. to move the body and feet to music; n. a series of steps, usually to music
danger - n. a strong chance of suffering injury, damage or loss
dark - ad. having little or no light ("The room was dark.")
date - n. an expression of time; a day, month and year
daughter - n. a person's female child
day - n. twenty-four hours; the hours of sunlight
dead - ad. not living
deaf - ad. not able to hear
deal - v. to have to do with ("The talks will deal with the problem of pollution."); to buy or sell ("Her company deals in plastic.")
debate - v. to argue for or against something; n. a public discussion or argument
debt - n. something that is owed; the condition of owing
decide - v. to choose; to settle; to judge
declare - v. to say; to make a statement
decrease - v. to make less in size or amount
deep - ad. going far down; a long way from top to bottom
defeat - v. to cause to lose in a battle or struggle; n. a loss; the condition of having lost
defend - v. to guard or fight against attack; to protect
deficit - n. a shortage that results when spending is greater than earnings, or imports are greater than exports
define - v. to give the meaning of; to explain
degree - n. a measure of temperature
delay - v. to decide to do something at a later time; to postpone; to cause to be late
delegate - n. one sent to act for another; one who represents another
demand - v. to ask by ordering; to ask with force
democracy - n. the system of government in which citizens vote to choose leaders or to make other important decisions
demonstrate - v. to make a public show of opinions or feelings ("The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights."); to explain by using examples ("The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment.")
denounce - v. to accuse of being wrong or evil; to criticize severely
deny - v. to declare that something is not true; to refuse a request
depend - v. to need help and support
deplore - v. to regret strongly; to express sadness
deploy - v. to move forces or weapons into positions for action
depression - n. severe unhappiness; a period of reduced business and economic activity during which many people lose their jobs
describe - v. to give a word picture of something; to give details of something
desert - n. a dry area of land
design - v. to plan or create plans for
desire - v. to want very much; to wish for
destroy - v. to break into pieces; to end the existence of
detail - n. a small part of something; a small piece of information
develop - v. to grow; to create; to experience progress
device - n. a piece of equipment made for a special purpose
dictator - n. a ruler with complete power
die - v. to become dead; to stop living; to end
diet - n. usual daily food and drink
different - ad. not the same
difficult - ad. not easy; hard to do, make or carry out
dig - v. to make a hole in the ground
dinner - n. the main amount of food eaten at a usual time ("The family had its dinner at noon."); a special event that includes food ("The official dinner took place at the White House.")
diplomat - n. a person who represents his or her government in dealing with another government
direct - v. to lead; to aim or show the way ("He directed me to the theater."); ad. straight to something; not through some other person or thing ("The path is direct.")
direction - n. the way (east, west, north, south); where someone or something came from or went to
dirt - n. earth or soil
disappear - v. to become unseen; to no longer exist
disarm - v. to take away weapons; to no longer keep weapons; to make a bomb harmless by removing its exploding device
discover - v. to find or learn something
discuss - v. to talk about; to exchange ideas
disease - n. a sickness in living things, often caused by viruses, germs or bacteria
dismiss - v. to send away; to refuse to consider
dispute - v. to oppose strongly by argument; n. an angry debate
dissident - n. a person who strongly disagrees with his or her government
distance - n. the amount of space between two places or objects ("The distance from my house to your house is two kilometers.")
dive - v. to jump into water head first
divide - v. to separate into two or more parts
do - v. to act; to make an effort
doctor - n. a person trained in medicine to treat sick people
document - n. an official piece of paper with facts written on it, used as proof or support of something
dog - n. a small animal that often lives with humans
dollar - n. United States money, one hundred cents
door - n. an opening for entering or leaving a building or room
down - ad. from higher to lower; in a low place
dream - v. to have a picture or story in the mind during sleep; n. a picture or story in the mind during sleep; a happy idea about the future
drink - v. to take liquid into the body through the mouth
drive - v. to control a moving vehicle
drop - v. to fall or let fall; to go lower
drown - v. to die under water
drug - n. anything used as a medicine or in making medicine; a chemical substance used to ease pain or to affect the mind
dry - ad. not wet; without rain
during - ad. through the whole time; while (something is happening)
dust - n. pieces of matter so small that they can float in the air
duty - n. one's job or responsibility; what one must do because it is right and just
early - ad. at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; opposite late
earn - v. to be paid in return for work done
earth - n. the planet we all live on; the ground or soil
earthquake - n. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface
ease - v. to reduce; to make less difficult
east - n. the direction from which the sun rises
easy - ad. not difficult; not hard to do
eat - v. to take food into the body through the mouth
ecology - n. the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things
economy - n. the system by which money, industry and trade are organized
edge - n. the line where something ends or begins
education - n. the act of teaching
effect - n. the result or change caused by something ("The storm had a serious effect on the economy.")
effort - n. an attempt; the work necessary to do something
egg - n. the rounded object containing unborn young produced by female birds, fish or reptiles; a single cell in a female person or animal that can develop into a baby
either - ad. one of two, but not the other
elect - v. to choose by voting
electricity - n. a form of energy that flows through wires to provide heat and light, and power to machines
embassy - n. the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants
emergency - n. an unexpected and dangerous situation demanding quick action
emotion - n. a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or sadness
employ - v. to give work in return for wages
empty - ad. having nothing inside; v. to remove everything
end - v. to stop; to finish; n. the part which comes last
enemy - n. a person opposing or hating another; a person or people of the other side in a war
energy - n. power used to do work, usually with machines; the ability and willingness to be active
enforce - v. to make something be done
engine - n. a machine that uses energy to cause movement or to do work
engineer - n. a person who designs engines, machines, roads, bridges or railroads
enjoy - v. to be pleased or satisfied by something
enough - ad. as much as necessary; pro. the amount needed
enter - v. to come or go into
environment - n. all surrounding things, conditions and influences that affect life; the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals
equal - ad. the same in amount, size, weight or value; having the same rights
equipment - n. things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity
escape - v. to get free; to get away from; to get out of
especially - ad. more than others ("We liked the food, especially the fish.")
establish - v. to bring into existence; to create
estimate - v. to form an opinion about a value, size or amount using less than complete information
ethnic - ad. of or concerning people belonging to a large group because of their race, religion, language, tribe or where their ancestors lived
evaporate - v. to change from a liquid into a gas
even - ad. in a way not thought possible ("They survived, even though the building was destroyed.")
event - n. that which happens, especially something of importance
ever - ad. at any time
every - ad. each one; all
evidence - n. material or facts that prove something; a reason for believing
evil - ad. not good; extremely bad
exact - ad. having no mistakes; correct in every detail
examine - v. to study closely
example - n. a part that shows what the rest of a thing or group is like
excellent - ad. extremely good
except - prep. but for
exchange - v. to trade; to give or receive one thing for another
excuse - v. to take away blame; to pardon; to forgive; n. a reason (sometimes false) for an action
execute - v. to kill
exercise - n. an activity or effort for the purpose of improving the body or to stay in good health
exile - v. to force a person to leave his or her country; to expel; n. a person who is forced to leave his or her country
exist - v. to be; to live
expand - v. to make larger; to grow larger
expect - v. to think or believe that something will happen; to wait for an event
expel - v. to force out; to remove from; to send away
experience - v. to live through an event, situation or condition ("She experienced great pain."); n. something that one has done or lived through ("The experience caused her great pain.")
experiment - v. to test; n. a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something
expert - n. a person with special knowledge or training
explain - v. to give reasons for; to make clear; to tell about; to tell the meaning
explode - v. to break apart violently with a loud noise, like a bomb
explore - v. to travel in a place that is not well known to learn more about it; to make a careful search; to examine closely
export - v. to send to another country; n. something sent to another country, usually for sale
express - v. to say clearly
extend - v. to stretch out in area or length; to continue for a longer time
extra - ad. more than normal, expected or necessary
extreme - ad. more than the usual or accepted
extremist - n. a person with strong religious or political beliefs who acts in an extreme or violent way
fact - n. something known or proved to be true
factory - n. a building or group of buildings where goods are made
fail - v. to not succeed; to not reach a goal
fair - ad. just; honest; what is right
fall - v. to go down quickly; to come down; to drop to the ground or a lower position
false - ad. not true; not correct
family - n. the group that includes children and their parents
famous - ad. known very well to many people
far - ad. at, to or from a great distance
farm - n. land used to grow crops and animals for food
fast - ad. moving or working at great speed; quick
fat - n. tissue in the bodies of humans and animals used to store energy and to keep warm; ad. thick; heavy
father - n. the male parent; a man who has a child or children
fear - v. to be afraid; to worry that something bad is near or may happen ("He feared falling down."); n. a strong emotion when there is danger or trouble ("He had a fear that he would fall down.")
federal - ad. of or having to do with a national or central government
feed - v. to give food to
feel - v. to have or experience an emotion; to know by touching
female - n. a woman or girl; the sex that gives birth; ad. of or about women
fence - n. something around an area of land to keep animals or people in or out
fertile - ad. rich in production of plants or animals; producing much
few - ad. not many; a small number of
field - n. an area of open land, usually used to grow crops or to raise animals
fierce - ad. extremely strong; violent; angry
fight - v. to use violence or force; to attempt to defeat or destroy an enemy; n. the use of force; a battle
fill - v. to put or pour something into a container until there is space for no more
film - v. to record something so it can be seen again; to make a motion picture or movie; n. a thin piece of material for making pictures with a camera; a movie
final - ad. at the end; last
financial - ad. of or about the system that includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks
find - v. to discover or learn something by searching or by accident; to decide a court case ("The jury finds the man guilty of murder.")
fine - n. a payment ordered by a court to punish someone for a crime; ad. very good; very small or thin
finish - v. to complete; to end
fire - v. to shoot a gun; n. the heat and light produced by something burning
fireworks - n. rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations
firm - ad. not easily moved or changed ("She is firm in her opinion.")
first - ad. coming before all others
fish - n. a creature that lives and can breathe in water
fit - v. to be of the correct size or shape ("These shoes fit my feet.")
fix - v. to make good or right again
flag - n. a piece of colored cloth used to represent a nation, government or organization
flat - ad. smooth; having no high places
flee - v. to run away from
float - v. to be on water without sinking; to move or be moved gently on water or through air
flood - v. to cover with water; n. the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land
floor - n. the bottom part of a room for walking on ("The book fell to the floor."); the level of a building ("The fire was on the first floor.")
flow - v. to move like a liquid
flower - n. the colored part of plants that carry seeds
fluid - n. any substance that can flow, such as a liquid
fly - v. to move through the air with wings, like a bird or airplane; to travel in an airplane or flying vehicle
fog - n. a mass of wet air that is difficult to see through; a cloud close to the ground
follow - v. to come or go after; to accept the rule or power of; to obey
food - n. that which is taken in by all living things for energy, strength and growth
fool - v. to make someone believe something that is not true; to trick; n. a person who is tricked easily
foot - n. the bottom part of the leg; the part of the body that touches the ground when a person or animal walks
for - prep. because of ("He is famous for his work."); in exchange ("Give me one dollar for the book."); through space or time ("They travelled for one hour."); representative of ("I speak for all people."); to be employed by ("She works for a computer company.")
force - v. to make someone do something or make something happen by using power; n. power, strength; strength used against a person or object; military power of a nation; a military group
foreign - ad. of, about or from another nation; not from one's own place or country
forest - n. a place of many trees
forget - v. to not remember
forgive - v. to pardon; to excuse; to remove guilt
form - v. to make; to start; to shape ("They formed a swim team."); n. a kind ("Swimming is a form of exercise.") former - ad. earlier in time; not now
forward - ad. the direction in front of; toward the front
free - v. to release; ad. not controlled by another or by outside forces; not in prison; independent; not limited by rules; without cost
freedom - n. the condition of being free
freeze - v. to cause or to become very cold; to make or to become hard by cold
fresh - ad. newly made or gathered; recent
friend - n. a person one likes and trusts
frighten - v. to cause great fear
from - prep. having a person, place or thing as a beginning or cause ("It is a message from the president."); at a place distant, not near ("The school is five kilometers from my home."); because of ("He is suffering from cancer.")
front - n. the forward part; the opposite of back; the beginning; the first part
fruit - n. food from trees and plants
fuel - n. any substance burned to create heat or power
full - ad. containing as much as a person or thing can hold; complete
fun - n. anything that is pleasing and causes happiness
funeral - n. a ceremony held in connection with the burial or burning of the dead
future - n. time after now ("We can talk about it in the future."); ad. in the time to come ("All future meetings will be held in this room.")
game - n. an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports
gas - n. any substance that is not solid or liquid; any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power
gather - v. to bring or come together into a group or place; to collect
general - n. a high military leader; ad. without details; affecting or including all or almost all
gentle - ad. soft; kind; not rough or violent
get - v. to receive; to gain; to go and bring back; to become; to become the owner of
gift - n. something given without cost
girl - n. a young female person
give - v. to present to another to keep without receiving payment
glass - n. a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids
go - v. to move from one place to another; to leave
goal - n. that toward which an effort is directed; that which is aimed at; the end of a trip or race
god - n. the spirit that is honored as creator of all things ("They believe in God."); a spirit or being believed in many religions to have special powers
gold - n. a highly valued yellow metal
good - ad. pleasing; helpful; kind; correct; not bad
goods - n. things owned or made to be sold
govern - v. to control; to rule by military or political power
government - n. a system of governing; the organization of people that rules a country, city or area
grain - n. the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn; those plants that produce the seeds
granddaughter - n. the daughter of a person's daughter or son
grandfather - n. the father of a person's father or mother
grandmother - n. the mother of a person's father or mother
grandson - n. the son of a person's daughter or son
grass - n. a plant with long, narrow, green leaves
gray - ad. having the color like that made by mixing black and white
great - ad. very large or more than usual in size or number; very good; important
green - ad. having the color like that made by mixing yellow and blue; having the color like that of growing leaves and grass
grind - v. to reduce to small pieces by crushing
ground - n. land; the earth's surface; soil
group - n. a number of people or things together; a gathering of people working for a common purpose
grow - v. to develop or become bigger; to increase in size or amount
guarantee - v. to promise a result; to promise that something will happen
guard - v. to watch and protect a person, place or thing ("He guards the president."); n. a person or thing that watches or protects ("He is a prison guard.")
guerrilla - n. a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police
guide - v. to lead to; to show the way; n. one who shows the way
guilty - ad. having done something wrong or in violation of a law; responsible for a bad action
gun - n. a weapon that shoots bullets
half - n. one of two equal parts of something
halt - v. to come or cause to come to a stop; to stop
hang - v. to place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not; to kill by hanging
happen - v. to become a fact or event; to take place
happy - ad. pleased; satisfied; feeling good; not sad
hard - ad. not easily cut or broken; solid; difficult to do or understand; needing much effort or force
harm - v. to injure; to damage; n. damage; hurt
harvest - v. to gather crops; n. the crop after it is gathered
hat - n. a head cover
hate - v. to have strong emotions against; to consider as an enemy; opposite love
have - v. to possess; to own; to hold
he - pro. the boy or man who is being spoken about
head - v. to lead; to command; n. leader; chief; the top part of something; the highest position
headquarters - n. the center from which orders are given; the main offices of a business or organization
heal - v. to return to good health; to cure; to become well
health - n. the general condition of the body and mind; the condition of being free from sickness or disease
hear - v. to receive sound through the ears; to receive news about
heat - v. to make hot or warm; n. great warmth; that which is produced by burning fuel; energy from the sun
heavy - ad. having much weight; not easy to lift; of great amount or force
helicopter - n. a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain in one place above the ground
help - v. to give support; to assist; to make easier; n. support; aid
here - ad. in, to or at this place
hero - n. a person honored for being brave or wise
hide - v. to prevent from being seen or found; to make secret
high - ad. tall; far up; far above the ground; important; above others
hijack - v. to seize or take control of a vehicle by force
hill - n. a small mountain
history - n. the written record or description of past events; the study of the past
hit - v. to strike; to touch with force
hold - v. to carry or support, usually in the hands or arms; to keep in one position; to keep as a prisoner; to contain; to possess; to occupy; to organize and be involved in ("The two sides hold talks this week.")
hole - n. an opening; a torn or broken place in something
holiday - n. a day when one does not work; a day on which no work is done to honor or remember a person or event
holy - ad. greatly honored in religion
home - n. the building where a person lives, especially with family; the place where one was born or comes from; the area or country where one lives
honest - ad. truthful; able to be trusted
honor - v. to obey; to show strong, good feelings for ("to honor one's parents"); n. an award; an act of giving special recognition ("He received many honors for his efforts to help others.")
hope - v. to expect; to believe there is a good chance that something will happen as wanted; to want something to happen
horrible - ad. causing great fear; terrible
horse - n. a large animal often used for racing, riding or farm work
hospital - n. a place where sick or injured people are given medical care
hostage - n. a person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored
hostile - ad. ready to fight; ready for war
hot - ad. having or feeling great heat or a high temperature
hotel - n. a building with rooms, and often food, for travellers
hour - n. a measure of time; sixty minutes
house - n. a building in which people live; a country's parliament or lawmaking group ("House of Representatives")
how - ad. in what way; to what amount however - conj. yet; but
huge - ad. very big; of great size
human - ad. of or about people
humor - n. the ability to understand, enjoy or express what makes people laugh
hunger - n. the need for food
hunt - v. to search for animals to capture or kill them; to seek; to try to find
hurry - v. to do or go fast
hurt - v. to cause pain, injury or damage
husband - n. a man who is married
ice - n. frozen water
idea - n. a thought or picture in the mind; a belief
identify - v. to recognize someone or something and to say who or what they are
if - conj. on condition; provided that ("I will go if you go.")
illegal - ad. not legal; in violation of a law
imagine - v. to make a picture in the mind; to form an idea
immediate - ad. without delay; very near in time or place
import - v. to bring from another country; n. something brought from another country, usually for sale
important - ad. having great meaning, value or power
improve - v. to make better; to become better
in - prep. inside; held by; contained by; surrounded by; during
incident - n. an event or something that happens
incite - v. to urge or cause an action or emotion, usually something bad or violent
include - v. to have; to make a part of
increase - v. to make more in size or amount
independent - ad. not influenced by or controlled by another or others; free; separate
individual - n. one person
industry - n. any business that produces goods or provides services; the work and related activity in factories and offices; all organizations involved in manufacturing
infect - v. to make sick with something that causes disease
inflation - n. a continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes down
influence - v. to have an effect on someone or something; to cause change
inform - v. to tell; to give knowledge to
information - n. knowledge; facts
inject - v. to force a fluid into, such as putting medicine or drugs into the body through the skin
injure - v. to cause harm or damage to a person or animal
innocent - ad. not guilty of a crime; not responsible for a bad action
insane - ad. mentally sick
insect - n. a very small creature, usually with many legs and sometimes with wings
inspect - v. to look at something carefully; to examine, especially by an expert
instead - ad. in the place of; taking the place of
instrument - n. a tool or device designed to do something or to make something
insult - v. to say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored
intelligence - n. the ability to think or learn; information gathered by spying
intelligent - ad. quick to understand or learn
intense - ad. very strong; extremely serious
interest - n. what is important to someone ("He acted to protect his interests." "She had a great interest in painting."); a share in owning a business; money paid for the use of money borrowed
interfere - v. to get in the way of; to work against; to take part in the activities of others, especially when not asked to do so
international - ad. of or about more than one nation or many nations; of the whole world
intervene - v. to come between; to come between in order to settle or solve
invade - v. to enter an area or country by force with an army
invent - v. to plan and make something never made before; to create a new thing or way of doing something
invest - v. to give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money
investigate - v. to study or examine all information about an event, situation or charge; to search for the truth
invite - v. to ask someone to take part in or join an event, organization or gathering
involve - v. to take part in; to become a part of; to include
iron - n. a strong, hard metal used to make machines and tools
island - n. a land area with water all around it
issue - n. an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about
it - pro. a thing, place, event or idea that is being spoken about ("The sky is blue, but it also has a few white clouds.")
jewel - n. a valuable stone, such as a diamond or emerald
job - n. the work that one does to earn money
join - v. to put together or come together; to become part of or a member of
joint - ad. shared by two or more
joke - n. something done or said to cause others to laugh
judge - v. to form an opinion about; to decide a question, especially a legal one; n. a public official who decides problems of law in a court jump - v. to push down on the feet and move up quickly into the air
jury - n. a group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial
just - ad. only ("Help me for just a minute."); very shortly before or after the present ("He just left."); at the same time ("He left just as I came in."); what is right or fair ("The law is just, in my opinion.")
kick - v. to hit with the foot
kidnap - v. to seize and take away by force
kill - v. to make dead; to cause to die
kind - n. sort ("What kind of dog is that?"); ad. gentle; caring; helpful
kiss - v. to touch with the mouth to show love or honor
knife - n. a tool or weapon used to cut
know - v. to understand something as correct; to have the facts about; to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before
knowledge - n. that which is known; learning or understanding
laboratory - n. a room or place where experiments in science are done
lack - v. to be without; n. the condition of needing, wanting or not having
lake - n. a large area of fresh water surrounded by land
land - v. to come to the earth from the air ("Airplanes land at airports."); n. the part of the earth not covered by water; the ground
language - n. words and their use; what people speak in a country, nation or group
large - ad. big; being of more than usual size, amount or number; opposite small
last - v. to continue ("The talks will last three days."); ad. after all others; the only one remaining ("She is the last person in line.")
late - ad. after the correct time; near the end; opposite early
laugh - v. to make sounds to express pleasure or happy feelings
launch - v. to put into operation; to begin; to send into the air or space
law - n. all or any rules made by a government
lead - v. to show the way; to command; to control; to go first
leak - v. to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)
learn - v. to get knowledge about; to come to know a fact or facts
leave - v. to go away from; to let something stay where it is
left - ad. on the side that is toward the west when one is facing north; opposite right
legal - ad. of or in agreement with the law
legislature - n. a government lawmaking group
lend - v. to permit someone to use a thing temporarily; to make a loan of money
less - ad. smaller in amount; not as much
let - v. to permit to do or to be; to make possible
letter - n. a message written on paper; a communication in writing sent to another person
level - n. the amount or height that something reaches or rises to; the position of something or someone
liberal - ad. one who usually supports social progress or change
lie - v. to have one's body on the ground or other surface; to say something that one knows is not true
life - n. the time between being born and dying; opposite death; all living things
lift - v. to take or bring up to a higher place or level
light - n. a form of energy that affects the eyes so that one is able to see; anything that produces light; ad. bright; clear; not heavy
lightning - n. light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm
like - v. to be pleased with; to have good feelings for someone or something; ad. in the same way as; similar to
limit - v. to restrict to a number or amount; n. the greatest amount or number permitted
line - n. a long, thin mark on a surface; a number of people or things organized; one after another; the edge of an area protected by military forces
link - v. to connect; to unite one thing or event with another; n. a relation between two or more things, situations or events
liquid - n. a substance that is not a solid or gas, and can move freely, like water
list - v. to put in writing a number of names of people or things; n. a written series of names or things
listen - v. to try to hear
literature - n. all the poems, stories and writings of a period of time or of a country
little - ad. not tall or big; a small amount
live - v. to have life; to exist; ad. having life; alive
load - v. to put objects on or into a vehicle or container; n. that which is carried
loan - n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; something borrowed
local - ad. about or having to do with one place
lonely - ad. feeling alone and wanting friends; visited by few or no people ("a lonely man")
long - ad. not short; measuring from beginning to end; measuring much; for much time
look - v. to turn the eyes toward so as to see; to search or hunt for; to seem to be
lose - v. to have no longer; to not find; to fail to keep; to be defeated
loud - ad. having a strong sound; full of sound or noise
love - v. to like very much; to feel a strong, kind emotion (sometimes involving sex); n. a strong, kind emotion for someone or something; opposite hate
low - ad. not high or tall; below the normal height; close to the ground
loyal - ad. showing strong friendship and support for someone or something
luck - n. something that happens by chance
magazine - n. a publication of news, stories, pictures or other information
mail - n. letters, papers and other things sent through an official system, such as a post office
main - ad. the most important or largest
major - ad. great in size, importance or amount
majority - n. the greater number; more than half
make - v. to produce; to create; to build; to do something or to carry out an action; to cause to be or to become
male - n. a man or boy; the sex that is the father of children; ad. of or about men
man - n. an adult male human
manufacture - v. to make goods in large amounts
many - ad. a large number or amount of
map - n. a picture of the earth's surface or a part of it
march - v. to walk in a group like soldiers; to walk together in a large group to protest about something
mark - v. to make a sign or cut on something
market - n. a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them
marry - v. to join a man and woman together as husband and wife; to become husband and wife (usually in a religious or civil ceremony)
mass - n. an amount of matter having no special form and usually of a large size
mate - v. to bring together a male and a female to create another creature
material - n. the substance, substances or matter of which something is made or from which something can be made, such as wood, cloth or stone; anything that can be made into something else
mathematics - n. the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs
matter - n. anything that can be seen or felt; what things are made of
may - v. a word used with an action word to mean permit or possible ("May I go?" "They may leave tomorrow.")
mayor - n. the chief official of a city or town government
meal - n. food eaten to satisfy hunger, such as dinner
mean - v. to want to; to give the idea of; to have the idea of
measure - v. to learn the amount, size or distance of something; n. an action taken; a legislative proposal
meat - n. the part of a dead animal used for food
media - n. all public information organizations, including newspapers, television and radio
medicine - n. a substance or drug used to treat disease or pain; the science or study of treating and curing disease or improving health
meet - v. to come together with someone or something at the same time and place
melt - v. to make a solid into a liquid by heating it
member - n. one of a group
memorial - n. something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event
memory - n. a picture in the mind of past events; the ability to remember; a thing remembered
mental - ad. about or having to do with the mind
mercy - n. kindness toward those who should be punished; the power to be kind or to pardon
message - n. written or spoken news or information; a note from one person to another person or group
metal - n. a hard substance such as iron, steel or gold
method - n. the way something is done
microscope - n. a device used to make very small things look larger so they can be studied
middle - n. the center; a place or time of equal distance from both sides or ends; ad. in the center
militant - n. someone active in trying to cause political change, often by the use of force or violence
military - n. the armed forces of a nation or group; ad. of or about the armed forces
milk - n. the white liquid produced by female animals to feed their young
mind - n. the thinking, feeling part of a person
mine - v. to dig useful or valuable substances out of the earth; n. a place in the earth where such substances are found; a bomb placed under the ground or under water so it cannot be seen
mineral - n. a substance found in nature that is not an animal or a plant, such as coal or salt
minister - n. a member of a cabinet; a high government official ("prime minister," "foreign minister") minor - ad. small in size; of little importance
minority - n. the smaller number; opposite majority
minute - n. a measure of time; one of the sixty equal parts of an hour; sixty seconds
miss - v. to fail to hit, see, reach or meet
missile - n. any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target
missing - ad. lost; not found
mistake - n. a wrong action or decision; an action done without the knowledge that it was wrong
mix - v. to put different things together to make one thing
mob - n. a large group of wild or angry people
model - n. an example; something, usually small, made to show how something will look or work
moderate - ad. not extreme
modern - ad. of the present or very recent time; the most improved
money - n. pieces of metal or paper used to pay for things
month - n. one of the twelve periods of time into which a year is divided
moon - n. the bright object often seen in the night sky that orbits the earth about every twenty-nine days
moral - ad. concerning what is right or wrong in someone's actions
more - ad. greater in size or amount
morning - n. the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon
most - ad. greatest in size or amount
mother - n. the female parent; a woman who has a child or children
motion - n. a movement; a continuing change of position or place
mountain - n. a part of the earth's surface that rises high above the area around it
mourn - v. to express or feel sadness
move - v. to change position; to put or keep in motion; to go
movement - n. the act of moving or a way of moving; a series of acts or efforts to reach a goal
movie - n. a motion picture; a film
much - ad. great in amount
murder - v. to kill another person illegally; n. the crime of killing another person
music - n. the making of sounds by singing or using a musical instrument
must - v. a word used with an action word to mean necessary ("You must go to school.")
mystery - n. something that is not or cannot be explained or understood; a secret
narrow - ad. limited in size or amount; not wide; having a short distance from one side to the other
nation - n. a country, together with its social and political systems
native - n. someone who was born in a place, not one who moved there
natural - ad. of or about nature; normal; common to its kind
nature - n. all the plants, animals and other things on earth not created by humans; events or processes not caused by humans
navy - n. the part of a country's military force trained to fight at sea
near - ad. not far; close to
necessary - prep. needed to get a result or effect; required
need - v. to require; to want; to be necessary to have or to do
negotiate - v. to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution
neither - ad. not one or the other of two
neutral - ad. not supporting one side or the