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阅读内容 BBC news 2007-12-22 加文本
Download Audio BBC News with Blerry Gogan The American Defense Secretary Robert Gates says improvements in security in Iraq mean that American troops could be withdrawn as planned next year, with some returning within the month. Mr Gates says it's likely that five combat brigades will be back home by next July. "My hope has been that the circumstances on the ground will continue to improve in a way that will allow a continuation of the drawdowns at roughly the same pace as the first half of the year. It'll be completely dependent on the circumstances on the ground, and we obviously want to sustain the gains that we've already made." At the same time, Mr. Gates criticized ConGREss for short term funding of military operations. The President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez has offered central American and Caribbean countries the option to pay for oil with services or local products such as bananas and sugar. Speaking in Cuba at the Petrol Caribbean Summit for consumers and exporters, Mr Chavez said the group was creating a new geopolitics of oil that was not, as he put it, at the service of imperialism and big capitalists, Michael Voss reports from the summit: "Cuba's acting President Raul Castro hosted the regional summit, but it was the charismatic Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez who clearly dominated proceedings. 17 countries have now signed up to Petrolcaribe with his offer of Venezuelan oil at preferential rates, financed by long-term low interest loans. Politically it's a diverse gathering ranging from left to right. Honduras, a traditional ally of Washington was admitted on Friday. What they all have in common are fragile economies struggling to cope with rising oil prices. " The former president of Peru Alberto Fujimori has apologized for human rights abuses committed during his decade in power. He is on trial in Lima accused of giving orders to an army squad that killed twenty five people in two massacres in the early 1990's. Here is our america's editor Warren Volvo: "On the first day of his human rights trial last week, Alberto Fujimori had a fiery outburst, shouting that he'd never ordered any human rights abuses and had been trying to protect the rights of all peruvians by tackling the Shining Path guerilla group. A week later, the former president has adopted a change of tone. He said any abuses committed under his presidency pained his soul, but Mr Fujimori denied the charges of ordering a government death squad to kill 25 people and kidnapped two others when Peru was fighting the rebel insurgency. " The President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki has vowed to stay in the job despite suffering heavy losses in elections for the governing African National Congress. Mr Mbeki, who failed to get himself elected leader of the ANC earlier this week, told a news conference that he enjoyed a good relationship with the man who beat him Jacob Zuma, insisted that the government will serve its full term until elections due in 2009. World news from the BBC Diplomats have given details of the circumstances under which they say a prominent rebel leader in Uganda was assassinated. A document obtained by the BBC gives details of how Vincent Otti, the second-in-command of the Laws Resistance Army was killed, our African editor Martin Plaut reports: "Details of the death of Vincent Otti make grim reading. On October 2, he arrived at the home of the rebel leader Joseph Kony only to find it's surrounded by the leader's personal guard. Otti entered Kony's home but found that he wasn't there. Instead there were a group of senior commanders. One stood up and pointed a pistol at Otti, saying he was under arrest. The others followed his lead, and Otti was stripped of the shirt, bound and blindfolded. Otti was led away from the house, and begging for his life, was shot." The authorities in Saudi Arabia say they've arrested a group of men. They are suspected of planning to carry out attacks during the Muslin pilgrimage, the hajj, which has just ended. The Saudi Interior Ministry said the men were plotting to attack holly sites outside Mecca, about 2. 5 million people took part in this year's pilgrimage. The family of an innocent Brazilian man, who was shot dead by British police officers two years ago, says they are scandalized at the news that none of the officers involved will face disciplinary action. Relatives of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was killed after being mistaken for a suicide bomber, criticized the police watchdog the IPCC for deciding not to discipline any of the fifteen officers involved in the Bosch security operation. The authorities in Belgium are urging the people of Brussels to remain vigilant throughout the Christmas period amid fears of a possible attack. Police have heightened security of public places and Interior Ministry has put extra personnel on duty. The news follows the arrest of 14 suspected Islamist militants who are believed to be planning a jail break, using explosives. The extra security measures will remain until the New Year. BBC news. Glossary charismatic adj. 神赐能力的, 超凡魅力的 vigilant adj. 警惕着的, 警醒的 相关新闻