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BBC news 2007-12-30 加文本

[日期:2008-01-11]   [字体: ]
BBC 2007-12-30

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BBC news with Zoe Diamond

There is growing pressure in Pakistan to postpone parliamentary elections which are due to take place in 10 days' time following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto . Her rival opposition leader Nawaz Sherif said the election could not nigh go ahead. That view was echoed by a senior figure in Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party Egboh Higer. " The elections must be postponed, not cancelled. And the President Pervez Musharraf must be removed, and resign" .

The Pakistan's election commission says the violent unrest triggered by Ms Bhutto's murder is hampering preparations with election offices burned and ballot boxes destroyed. President Pervez Musharraf has ordered strong action to restore order after 2 days of riots involving Benazir Bhutto's supporters. The Interior Ministry has been outlining the extent of damage and loss caused by the rioting. Navdip Dhariwal is in Islamabad with the details. " The Interior Ministry has been outlining the extent of damage and loss following the riots. 38 people have been killed , tens of thousands of dollars worth of property and cars destroyed . The government said rioters had attacked the banks , trains and rail stations. At least a hundred prisoners were sprung from jails . They also reiterated their claim that Taliban commander Baitullah Mahsud was behind Ms Bhutto's killing despite of Mahsud 's denials."

The Pakistani government has offered to exhume Benazir Bhutto's body to satisfy doubts about its kind of how she died , The government has said she was killed by her head hitting the roof of her car during the suicide attack , but a close aid to Ms Bhutto who was in the vehicle says she saw her hit by a bullet.

The electoral commission in Kenyan has suspended the vote-count for the day following chaotic scenes and allegations of rigging in the country's presidential election. Official figures indicated the opposition leader Raila Odinga had a small lead, but unofficial results later suggested President Mwai Kibaki had moved slightly ahead. The opposition has accused the government of trying to fix the result . The chairman of the electoral commission Samuel Kivuitu has meanwhile tried to deflect criticism that the counting process has been too slow. "I can assure you if you don't get those results quickly, I think we'll have to announce what we have. The message we are sending to those who are sitting on these results is that they must be quick because by keeping quiet it means there are not results"

The Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad says his security forces have arrested a number of men suspected of killing 2 off-duty Israeli soldiers in the West Bank on Friday. He said weapons taken from the 2 Israelis had been handed to the Israeli government. Palestinian officials said the arrests show that Palestinian forces were improving security in the West Bank

This is the world news from the BBC.

In a new audio tape posted on the internet reportedly from Osama Bin Laden , the Al-Qaeda leader, has called on Iraqis to reject efforts by the United States to create a national unity government in Iraq , uniting Sunni, Shiites and Kurds. The voice on the tape also warned Sunni in Iraq not to join tribal councils fighting Al-Qaeda . The authenticity of the tape has not yet been confirmed.

The Iraqi and American commanders say the improvement in security in Iraq in the last year has been remarkable. The Interior Ministry in Baghdad says that 3 quarters of Al-Qaeda in Iraq has been destroyed. While American figures show that since June the number of attacks has fallen by 60%. The reduction in violence coincides with the big increase in troop numbers authorized by President Bush.

The captain of a football team in the Scottish Premier league has died after collapsing during a match. Phil O'Donnell fell to the ground just as he was due to be substituted 12 minutes before the end of the game between his team Motherwell United and Dundee United . Colin Blaine has more from Garlasco. The Motherwell club captain Phil O'Donnell was about to be replaced towards the end of his sides' league match with Dundee United when he fell to the ground . He was treated on the pitch for several minutes before being carried off on a stretcher and taken to hospital in an ambulance . His nephew David Clarkson was also playing in a match and was substituted after the incident. Phil O'Donnell was in a second spell with Motherwell and was a senior player at the club. He played for Scotland , Celtic and Sheffield Wednesday, and was a popular and skillful midfielder

An operation by Venezuelan military helicopters to collect 3 hostages due to be released in Colombia by the FARC rebel group has been delayed . Venezuelan officials and the international Red Cross said the guerrillas had not yet given the coordinates for the handover deep in the Colombian jungle and the operation could not be carried out after dark.

BBC news

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