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[日期:2008-01-22]   [字体: ]



1. 白痴 2. 半部春秋 3. 半导体 4. 不是男孩 5. 草木之中有一人 6. 长期住医院 7. 闯王失马 8. 春风吹又生 9. 唇齿相依 10.打破框框,发现人才 11.大口加小口 12.大门开,有客来,先脱帽,再进来 13.大雨下在横山上 14.戴上帽儿是客人,揭掉帽儿是军人 15.地上长草,农民当宝 16.多一点就不准 17.儿女双全 18.二木不成林 19.二人手拉手,钢丝绳上走 20.二人土上蹲 21.二山在一道,猜出便错了 22.二十四小时 23.饭没做熟 24.飞蛾扑火 25.凤冠 26.复习 27.告别 28.给一半,留一半 29.公字当头 30.鼓掌 31.瓜熟蒂落 32.户口 33.花园四角方,里面真荒凉,只有一棵树,种在园中央 34.火烧横山 35.饥不择食 36.加一半,减一半 37.尽是男人 38.开窗乘风凉,门下立大将,你说楚霸王,我说关云长 39.口中一木栽,非困又非呆,若要把杏念,趁早你莫猜 40.立在二日旁,反而没有光 41.两个幼童去砍柴,没有力气砍不来,回家又怕人笑话,躲在山中不出来 42.两个月 43.满山荫葱葱,人在草木中 44.没心思 45.没有木材 46.内中有人 47.你多心了 48.你我各一半 49.你有他有,众人都有,我却没有 50.牛过独木桥 51.女儿出了嫁 52.朋友一半 53.泼水节 54.普通话 55.千里相逢 56.秦王一刀杀三人 57.去掉一竖 58.去一人还有口,去一口还有人 59.人人离座 60.日 61.日月一起来,不作明字猜 62.山上还有山,不作出字猜 63.伤心 64.上面正差一笔,下面少丢一点 65.上十对下十,日头对月亮 66.上下不分 67.圣旨 68.失陪了 69.十五天 70.石头成堆 71.水上人家 72.说不叫说,拿不叫拿 73.说出圆又圆,写出是九点 74.撕掉画皮 75.四面不透风,里面刺骨寒 76.太阳出来了 77.提前出发 78.天旱 79.同胞 80.投稿 81.头是一,腰是一,尾是一,其实不是一 82.我有一条狗,只管跟人走,若要见到它,除非六月有 83.小两口一条心 84.小人国 85.谢绝参观 86.旭日东升 87.一边绿,一边红,一边怕水,一边怕虫 88.一旦有心,便能持久 89.一斗有余 90.一对明月,完整无缺,落在山下,四分五裂 91.一共添两横

92.一家十一口,一家二十口,两家合一起,万事都不愁 93.一斤多一点 94.一口咬掉牛尾巴 95.一去就当元帅 96.一心二用 97.一心要填补空白 98.一字三个口,不能猜作品 99.一字有五笔,倒数总第一 100.萤 101.有个小牛个头低,站着只有一尺一 102.有脚有手,贼难逃走 103.有口难言 104.有人就笑 105.有啥说啥 106.有心记不住,有眼看不见 107.又变心了 108.岳父 109.运动会上全有它 110.再会 111.再见 112.早退 113.增加一半 114.种树 115.抓一半,跑一半 116.啄木鸟 117.自传 118.自大一点,人人讨厌 119.自小在一起,目前少联系 120.昨日告别 121.左边一小口,右边一大口


1. 故宫 2. 盼天明 3. 赛跑至终点 4. 只有男子的都市 5. 上厕所排号 6. 不冷不热 7. 拆信 8. 长命百岁 9. 大戈壁 10.大家都笑你 11.大言不惭 12.冬天穿背心儿 13.独立的日子 14.法官进羊圈 15.分不出高低 16.风平浪静 17.戈壁之城 18.海上绿舟 19.航空信 20.黄昏 21.金银铜铁 22.觉醒的大地 23.老太太上不去炕 24.老太太梳头不用油 25.两个胖子摔交 26.霉雨时节 27.屁股上挂枪 28.群英会 29.十字路口放兔子 30.双喜临门 31.水陆不通 32.四季花开 33.替父从军 34.仙人岭 35.一路顺风 36.一年四季收割忙 37.阴天下雨刮北风 38.萤火虫 39.邮路不通 40.珍珠港 41.总是第一


1.彩排 2.攻城很顺利 3.谜底在山东 4.盼过冬 5.人造丘陵 6.商品不批发 7.天明再会 8.只想多挣钱

1.保 2.秦 3.付 4.姓 5.茶 6.疚 7.门 8.茁 9.呀 10.团 11.固
12.阁 13.雪 14.兵 15.苗 16.淮 17.好 18.相 19.丛 20.坐 21.击 22.旦
23.炊 24.烛 25.几 26.羽 27.扮 28.细 29.八 30.拿 31.爪 32.启 33.困
34.灵 35.几 36.喊 37.妩 38.扇 39.束 40.暗 41.幽 42.朋 43.茶 44.田
45.才 46.肉 47.您 48.伐 49.人 50.生 51.家 52.有 53.发 54.谅 55.重
56.利 57.云 58.合 59.庄 60.畔 61.胆 62.岳 63.必 64.步 65.朝 66.卡
67.玲 68.选 69.胖 70.磊 71.沪 72.最 73.丸 74.田 75.图 76. 77.选
78.沙 79.捉 80.效 81.三 82.伏 83.患 84.付 85.企 86.九 87.秋 88.恒
89.斜 90.崩 91.其 92.喜 93.斥 94.生 95.师 96.忿 97.息 98.目 99.末
100.烛 101.特 102.捉 103.亚 104.竺 105.值 106.亡 107.恋 108.仗 109.云 110.观
111.掰 112.选 113.噌 114.亲 115.抱 116.蚀 117.记 118.臭 119.省 120.乍 121.咽

1.名古屋 2.巴黎 3.冲绳 4.汉城 5.伦敦 6.温州 7.开封 8.延寿 9.长沙
10.齐齐哈尔 11.海口 12.武汉 13.大庆 14.沈阳 15.四平 16.宁波 17.沙市
18.青岛 19.高邮 20.洛阳 21.无锡 22.苏州 23.锦州 24.甘肃 25.合肥
26.贵阳 27.保定 28.集贤 29.四川 30.重庆 31.山海关 32.长春 33.木兰
34.佛山 35.安达 36.常熟 37.云南 38.昆明 39.济南 40.蚌埠 41.包头

1.石榴 2.花生 3.盐 4.酒 5.辣椒 6.蛋 7.花生 8.葫芦 9.胡萝卜 10.豆牙
11.蒜 12.葱 13.木耳 14.茄子

1.邮票 2.梯子 3.跳棋 4.天平 5.玻璃 6.筷子 7.筷子 8.篮球 9.茶叶 10.熨斗
11.针 12.衣扣 13.算盘 14.锯 15.抽水机 16.门锁 17.地图 18.信19.鱼网

1.蝉、蚱蜢、螳螂、萤火虫 2.刺猬 3.螃蟹 4.猫 5.蜘蛛 6.羊 7.蛇 8.鹅
9.蝴蝶 10.虾 11.蚊子 12.蜘蛛 13.青蛙 14.鱼 15.麻雀 16.蚂蚁 17.羊
18.狗 19.老鼠 20.青蛙

1.以色列 2.捷克 3.秘鲁 4.希腊 5.新加坡 6.麦丹 7.约旦 8.意大利


To meet the Rat on New Year's Day 2008 Spring Festival, many enterprises are holding activities, such as evening entertainment, such as New Year's Day activities guess lantern riddles. I find something on New Year's Day revealed the riddles and answers, we can try Caiyicai Oh, guess lantern riddles is very interesting! Have names like riddles, the riddles of food, supplies such riddles, animals, etc. Oh, like riddles. Although proposals to answer riddles, or first Caiyicai Oh!

In the puzzle (guess the word)

1. Idiots 2. Latter part of the Spring and Autumn 3. Semiconductor 4. Than boys 5. Vegetation out of a 6. Long-term hospital 7. Chen Yu lost MA 8. Spring wind and Health 9. Symbiotic 10. Break patterns, found talent 11. big mouth and small mouth 12. door opened, Weike, the first脱帽and then come 13. under heavy rain in the last 14 Yokoyama. wear Maor is the guests, is torn off Maor 15 soldiers. rough ground, when farmers - 16. closed on 17 more. sons and daughters of full-duplex 18. fragmentation of forest wood 19. two hand in hand, take on the rope 20. two territories squatting 21. two in a mountain, they guess wrong 22. 24 hours 23. cooked rice not done 24. moths into a flame 25. Fengguan 26. Review 27. bid farewell to 28. half of the remaining half of 29. priority to the 30. applauded 31. no means 32. accounts 33. garden 1.40 side, there really desolate, only one tree in the garden of the Central 34. fire Yokoyama 35. Jibuyishi 36. plus half by half 37. to 38 men. fenestration wind cooler subglottic legislation generals, you said Chu Overlord, I said that the Commissioner - - 39. mouth of a wooden plant, and non-storm-stay, if Apricot should read, the earliest possible-you guessed 40. legislature on 2 side, but no-41. two young children to chopped wood, and no effort is not to chop home fearing people joke, hiding in the mountains, not out 42. two months 43. Manshan Yam Chuang Chuang, 44 in the vegetation. not thinking 45. no timber 46. some of the 47. your Multi 48. you and I half of the 49. you have him, everyone has, I do not 50. cattle over 51 single-plank bridge. daughter to marry a 52. friends half of 53. Splash 54. Putonghua 55. Trinidad Encounter 56. wound to kill the King of Qin three 57 . removed Yishu 58. people to have a mouth to a further 59. everyone remain seated 60. on 61. moon together, not Meiji guess 62. mountains are mountains, not to guess 63 words. sad 64. above is a poor, lost less Below is 65. under 10 on 10 pairs, our Light of the Moon 66. regardless 67 from top to bottom. bias, 68. Shipei 69. fifteen days 70. stones piled up 71. water others 72. not called, get it is with 73. round and round speak and write is 9:00 74. torn away the mask 75. four not Shufeng, cold inside Cigu 76. sun is out 77. advance of 78. Tian Han 79. compatriots 80. Contributor 81. head is a waist is a tail is a fact, not an 82 and I am a dog, just go with people, to see it, unless June 83. summon up the resolve the couple 84. Lilliput 85. declined visited 86. sun of the East 87. side of the GREen, red side, the side of fear of water, fear of insects side 88. once the determination and will be lasting 89. a bucket more than 90. a moon, intact, charged at the foot of the mountain, divided 91. a total of two Tim Wang

92. One 11, one 20, a two together, in all things to worry about 93. Little over 500 94. Jiaodiao a cow's tail 95. Marshal when they will be a 96. Wholeheartedly with the 97. Anxious to fill gaps 98. word three I can not guess work 99. a five-stroke word, the first 100 of the countdown. fireflies 101. Mavericks have a head low, standing only a force of 102. feet with a hand, can not escape the thieves walk 103. mention I have 104. people laughed 105. wield Yuesha 106. want not remember, eyes invisible 107. change of heart and 108. father-in-law 109. Games has its entire 110. again 111. Goodbye 112. leave early 113. increase by half 114. planting trees 115. grasping half, running half of 116. woodpecker 117. autobiography 118. conceit that everyone hated 119. with a child, less contact 120. yesterday bid farewell to 121. left a small mouth , the right of a big mouth

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Class names (guess one of the provinces and municipalities in China or foreign):

1. Palace 2. Hope dawn 3. Race to end 4. Only five men city. Toilet Baihao 6. Neither hot nor cold 7. Demolition 8 letter. Longevity 9. Big Gobi 10. Everyone you laugh 11. touted 12. winter wear vests infants 13. independent 14 days. Justice pen 15. Banbuchu level 16. plain sailing 17. Gobi City 18. GREen boat at sea 19. aviation 20 letter. dusk 21. Jinyintong Rail 22. awakening of the earth 23. woman falters kang 24. woman combing no oil 25. two fat wrestling 26. Meiyu season 27. hung gun butt 28. competition to 29. crossroads release 30 rabbits.双喜临门31. surface unreasonable 32. blooming 33 seasons. military service for the father of 34. immortal Ling 35. pleasant journey 36. busy harvest seasons 37. Yam world wiper from the north 38. Firefly 39. Postman unreasonable 40 . Pearl Harbor 41. always first

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Food categories:

1. Hundred sisters, 1000, sisters, Strange Bedfellow sleep, covered by 2. Afraid of drying baby, dressed really strange, Hongshan sets inside, outside Prix gunnysack 3. Level of the spring, flowering perennial, eating up in taste, chewing 4 with no residue. drank a bowl of pool water, and soft legs Youxiaoyouma 5. pockets of red, GREen pocket, it was fear, it was love 6. bucket of gold, silver barrel and hit the open, do not add the Commissioner 7. Ma house, Zhang Zi red, white fat inside sleep 8. Green Peng-Peng, Peng-Peng Ching, Ching Peng trees produce white goblins 9. red-robed, head Dailu:mao, sitting in mud, Aitouainao 10. rooting do not fall to the ground and leaves are not flowering, and the streets selling something, it kind of garden do not 11. brothers 78, sit around the pole, everyone scorer, clothing all Chepo 12. one real, one air, one white, Green a 13. born of a really strange, it is the World Shangyipan food, hygiene mother died before it, it is still 14 dead mother. rhodopsin tree, purplish red flowers, purplish red flowers bag package sesame
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Supplies categories:
1. Little less, the net every painting, a paper back pockets around the world 2. Less long, short, to stamping on the foot, hand Qumo 3. Dozens of brothers divided into several of sitting, see Some people, four from your head. eccentric old man, shoulders Diaodan, human integrity, eccentric leaving 5. did not see, feel there are inverted, Shining not, Shishui not flow 6. two brothers general , three meals a day not long fat 7. two sisters, as long, she mixed Xianchang 8.抢not get it, come on throwing it, the more we like it, the more we fight it 9. born in the mountains, are the same color to your home, Red GREen has 10. Zhida a boat, Matchmaker in the inside, light rain Huahua, the ship into the water on the stem 11. White chicken, asked Elliot, go one step further, pecked a mouth 12 . brothers April 5, into one of the doors, if wrong-will be笑死13. one-two, two sisters, little more than the other way around, and there are fewer and less than the other way around, more than 14 more. one of things go back and forth, only 15 teeth I did not. a cow, the first two, here water flow side 16. people are not using it, no one uses it, out of use, its door Fangqi 17. mountains not tree, a river parts water, a road can not go, to go Boduantui 18. white faces at home, leave the face of flowers, the distance to travel to, Yiqubuhui-19. mouth with the Shing Mun, seven teeth 8 jin, all their eyes are, only a tail
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Animal categories:
1. Tree called Big Sister, Erjiehayidiao, Sanju with Bangda, lighting as Sijie (4 insects) 2. Lane away ravine string, a needle servicemen, their line 3. Bones of the brain bone eyes, bone Jiagu手骨vest 4. beard on both sides of little Alice, said the opening Miaomiaomiao, night patrols eyes like lights on in the daytime sleep well 5. Nanyang Zhuge Liang opposition headquarters, swing-up八卦阵, will be flying alone catching 6. age is not, a lot of beard, regardless of large and small, will be called "Mama" 7. Shangyipan Mill Hill, the world can not sit
8. Wearing a red hat and was wearing a Baibao son walk Baijiazi, speaking Shenbozi 9. Two heads of hair, wearing a flower Qipao, Narita do not work, only knew Fest 10. Curved a big bow, heads a group Ying , wearing Zhongxiao alive, dead wearing red 11. as I hit you, you hit me, you break the skin, blood out of my 12. prevocational Cross Street, after making nosy Taiwan, the owner Zhong-Tang sitting, waiting for guests to 13 . sit in the dog, not the dog, dead ear hair 14 dead. a knife, Le Kha Phieu, at little cost, light eyes have no hair 15. an egg a hair, will jump to 16 will not run. one m, a 3 cut, 17 dead bones dead blood. old man with a rucksack beans, a walk, a missed 18. stand not sitting, wearing coats all year round 19. pointed beak, a long tail, I went to South Park Qutou grain, and the family throwing children and women, do not know their hometowns no response 20. also sit sitting, lying also sit legislation also sit, and take also sit
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Country name:
1. Rehearsals 2. Rewards smooth 3. Answers in Shandong 4. Hope the winter 5. Artificial hills 6. Commodities wholesale 7. Dawn to 8. Just want to earn money and more

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
1. Bao 2. Qin 3. Pay 4. Surname 5. Tea 6. Jiu 7. Gate 8. Zhuo 9. Ah 10. Corps 11. Solid
12. Court 13. Snow 14. Soldiers 15. MILLER 16. Huai 17. Good 18. Phase 19. Cong 20. Sit 21. Hit 22. Dan
23. Straw 24. Candle 25. Several 26. Plume 27. Play 28. Fine 29. Eight 30. With 31. Claw 32. Kai 33. Storm
34. Ling 35. Several 36. Shouting 37. Wu 38. Fan 39. Beam 40. Dark 41. Unseen 42. Peer 43. Tea 44. Tin
45. Only 46. Meat 47. Your 48. Cutting 49. By 50. Health 51. Home 52. There were 53. A 54. Understanding 55. Weight
56. Lee 57. Cloud 58. A 59. Zhuang 60. Banks of 61. Biliary 62. YUE 63. Be 64. Step 65. Towards 66. Card
67. Ling 68. Election 69. Fat 70. Lei 71. Shanghai 72. Most 73. Pill 74. Field 75. Figure 76.  77. Election
78. Sand 79. Catch 80. Efficiency 81. III 82. Volts 83. With 84. Pay 85. Level 86. Nine 87. Autumn 88. Constant
89. Ramps 90. Collapsing 91. Its 92. Hi 93. Denounced 94. Health 95. Division 96. Frustrations 97. Income 98. Head 99. End
100. Candle 101. UNSCOM 102. Catching 103. Asia 104. Zhu 105. Value of 106. Crash 107. Love 108. Battle 109. Cloud 110. Concept
111. Breaking off a 112. Elections 113. Miso 114. Pro-115. Hold 116. Corrosion 117. Hutchison 118. Smelly 119. Province 120. Pottinger 121. Pharyngeal

Geographical Names categories:
1. Nagoya 2. Paris. Okinawa 4. Seoul. London 6. Wenzhou 7. Kaifeng 8. Yanshou 9. Changsha
10. Qiqihar 11. Haikou 12. Wuhan 13. Daqing 14. Shenyang 15. Siping 16. Ningbo 17. Warsaw
18. Qingdao 19. Gaoyou 20. Luoyang 21. Wuxi 22. Suzhou 23. Jinzhou 24. Gansu 25. Hefei
26. Guiyang 27. Baoding 28. Jixian 29. Sichuan 30. Chongqing 31. Shanhaiguan 32. Changchun 33. Mulan
34. Foshan 35. Anderson 36. Changshu 37. Yunnan 38. Kunming 39. Jinan 40. Bengbu 41. Baotou

Food categories:
1. Pomegranate 2. Peanut 3. Salt 4. Liquor 5. Pepper 6. Egg 7. Peanut 8. Hyacinth 9. Carrot 10. Beans teeth
11. Garlic 12. Onions 13. Fungus 14. Eggplant

Supplies categories:
1. Stamps 2. Ladder 3. Checkers 4. Scale of 5. Glass 6. Chopsticks 7. Chopsticks 8. Basketball 9. Tea 10. Irons
11. Needle 12. Yikou 13. Thinking 14. Saw 15. Pumps 16. Locks 17. Map 18. Letter 19. Nets

Animal categories:
1. Cicadas, grasshoppers, mantis, Firefly 2. Hedgehog 3. Crab 4. Cat 5. Spider 6. Sheep 7. Snake 8. Geese
9. Butterfly 10. Shrimp 11. Mosquito 12. Spider 13. Frog 14. Fish 15. Sparrow 16. Ant 17. Sheep
18. Dog 19. Mouse 20. Frog

Country name:
1. Israel 2. Czech Republic 3. Peru 4. GREece 5. Singapore 6. Mactan 7. Jordan 8. Italy
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