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[日期:2008-02-07]   [字体: ]
A Festive Lantern Festival fifteenth day
    There is a good old saying: "A Festive Lantern Festival fifteenth day." This remark vividly reflect the characteristics of the largest Lantern Festival, right, is the Lantern Festival relatives and friends came from all over the Juzaiyikuai joy to children, eat a bowl of hot air with activity because of the glutinous rice balls, the street together to watch people held a grand the dragon procession, viewing from the civilian population creative dance program, enjoy the dazzling aerial Naye joy.
     We have one at home early in the glutinous rice balls to eat, and then to eat together in the street lights. Just reached the junction, a huge dragon through the ranks happen, dragon and uncle were high spirit, to straighten its Yaoban, Jian Bu Ru-fei, Yikeke not like the old song, it was no angry dragon Dance in vivid. Contingent went, Luoguxuantian, see the people, it cheers, applause. Moonlight plunge in the general water the lawn, all things like cast a veil of mystery, it is the imagination, is a colorful lantern lights broke the quiet. , The other side of the 12 lanterns Xiao sound particularly interesting. Look, 12 acoustic Xiao eldest brother - rats are proud hello to everyone; dedicated Laoniu why rats are unconvinced when the boss is; ferocity of the tiger yelling一声; scared Xiaotu the hidden side; the brave The dragon is taking off in the clouds while in the water jubilant Xiaoyi to travel; horse are endless prairie on the run; Yanger, "Miemie" called, mischievous monkey to pick peaches Padaoshushang eat大公Chicken is "Woo" Wong reported that this year is the year of the dog, but not a puppy, you see, it is pleased to be Guobengluandiao while piglets in Wolishuilanjiao?
     Sky in a fireworks were blossoming open, we have one of the people sorry to see him go.
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  很棒   ( BeiLin , 01/20/2009 11:21:00 )

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