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[日期:2008-04-16]   [字体: ]
BEIJING, April 14  -- Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on Monday voiced firm support for the Beijing Olympics, saying his country has taken all measures to ensure the success of the upcoming torch relay in its capital Islamabad.


"We have taken all measures to ensure its (torch relay's) security... ensure the torch relay could be held in a prestigious and secure manner," Musharraf said in a speech at the elite Qinghua University.


"There is not one man in Pakistan who would do anything against the interests of China," he said.


"Any attempt by anyone to disrupt the process of the relay and create ill will is condemned by Pakistan," he said.


He expressed warm congratulations and best wishes to the Beijing Olympics, saying Pakistan firmly opposes any attempt to politicize the Games and any actions to disrupt the event, Musharraf said.


"We think that politics must be kept out of sports. Sports generates brotherhood. Sports generates closeness. If we bring politics into it, then the whole idea of sports is killed," Musharraf said.


Hailing the development of Pakistan-China relationship in the past five decades, Musharraf said Pakistan considered the ties with China, an all-weather friend, as the backbone of its foreign policy.

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