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[日期:2008-07-28]   [字体: ]
我的奥运梦 Some people said: "The dream of inspiring, people dream of glory." Mysterious Olympic flame will once again in the East - Chinese ignited the earth - this is our common hope that the Chinese people. From the Olympic flame to the GREat Wall, from the romantic Athens to Beijing Science and Technology of the… ... At this moment I was lying on a bed of the 2008 Olympic illusion of success… ...

Only feel dizzy dazzles a while, then came to China Sports Center - "bird's nest." At this time, the Asian crisis飞人Liu Lixian the arrow as the general, across the finish line, to add a Chinese Olympic gold; Look our男足not far behind, 3-0 defeat to Brazil; our gymnastics prince Li Xiaopeng to high technology won the vault and horizontal bar champion, Zhang Yining, we are shocked, her superb Qiu Yi, won the overall victory… ... Zhuanyan Jian, I went to the "Water Cube" "Gudong," the Guo Jingjing get a perfect score, she really did not let us down, like we have an overwhelming victory, the other countries of the far left behind, even before we criticize the Chinese people is "sick man of East Asia," the foreign tourists, We Chinese people on the thumbs up, surprised, said: "The Chinese people! OK! OK!" I see such a situation, a happy dancing together.

"You wake up soon, to late." Mother from a dream in which I woke up. But I firmly believe that the 2008 Olympic Games have been close, let us join hands together to meet the 2008, to achieve our dream of it. 我的奥运梦




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